Committee details

Deputy Leader

Purpose of committee

The Deputy Leader is able to make individual Executive decisions on delegated matters as detailed in the Council’s Constitution. A summary of the responsibilities of this post is below, for full details visit Part 3 of the Constitution.


Responsibilities include:


·      Overall policy direction (with Leader)

·      Public service reform (with Cabinet Member for Customers and Business Transformation)

·      Council plan 2019 - 2023

·      Council performance and improvement

·      Corporate communications - public relations, Your Chesterfield etc. (with Leader)

·      Revenue budget and medium term financial plan

·      Capital strategy and programme

·      Treasury management and investment strategy

·      Climate change strategy

·      Chesterfield town centre masterplan (with Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy)

·      Lead – internal strategic partnerships

·      Skills and employability



Contact information

Support officer: Graham Ibberson. 01246 345229