Decision details

Review of the Council's Anti Social Behaviour Management Arrangements for the Private Sector (S060)

Decision Maker: Joint Cabinet and Employment & General Committee

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Policy Manager submitted a report on the Review of the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Management Arrangements for the Private Sector. 


Changes in Government guidance had delayed the production of this report, and new Council savings targets had also reduced the budget for funding any new ASB post.


This report recommended staffing changes to enable the effective delivery of the current ASB Policy, improving services to victims of ASB in private sector housing, and in public or private ‘open space’. 


The proposed staffing structure would be part of the Council’s preparation for the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill (expected to come into force during 2014).


The report provided details of the Council’s ASB Policy, adopted by the Council in 2010.  It was expected that the ASB, Crime and Policing Act would lower the threshold for ASB action, resulting in a need to update the ASB Policy.


Current differences in response by the Council to ASB by Council tenants, by people in private sector accommodation, and in public spaces were highlighted.  The intention was to bring ASB policy for ASB in the private sector, and in public open spaces around the Borough, up to the same standard as the response to ASB already provided by the Housing service. 


By adopting a corporate approach, it would be possible to lower the threshold for action on ASB in all housing sectors, and in open spaces, increasing the Council’s responsiveness to any reported problems.  Staff would be encouraged to share expertise and to work together to resolve ASB issues.


Guidance would be given to Members of Council, and publicity about the Council’s policy on ASB would be provided, so that the public were aware of the service available.


The report outlined the financial considerations considered when proposing changes in the ASB staffing structure, including the need for the Council to make further budgetary savings, and the possibility of obtaining funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner. 


It was recommended that the budget for this post be transferred from Housing Services to the Community Safety Partnership, to fund the increased responsibility being taken by the Community Safety Unit.


It was suggested that the staffing and funding arrangements be subject to further review when the impacts of the new Act could be assessed.


The positive assistance given by the Overview and Performance Scrutiny Forum was acknowledged.




1.  That the Safer Neighbourhoods Officer Post be deleted from the establishment.


2.  That option 4 (service restructure) be taken forward.  This will include a review of the activities undertaken by the Chesterfield Community Safety Partnership using Lean principles in order to develop capacity for the new responsibilities.


3.  That, subject to obtaining Police and Crime Commissioner Funding, option 2b (0.5 FTE ASB Officer) be approved, and that the recruitment process for the 0.5 FTE ASB officer takes place on a fixed term two year contract.


4.  That on completion of either the review, as at paragraph 16.2 of the report, and/or the recommendation at paragraph 16.3 of the report, the responsibility for ‘private sector’ ASB management be transferred from the Neighbourhoods Team in Housing Services to the Community Safety Unit.


5.  That the ‘Private Sector’ ASB budget be transferred from Housing Services to the Community Safety Unit, and that the budget be reviewed and assessed against the new requirements within the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act during 2015/16.


6.  That the Neighbourhoods Team and Community Safety Unit continue to work in partnership to deliver effective ASB management.




1.  To respond to the ASB challenges highlighted by the ASB Review.


2.  To prepare for the new provision and responsibilities within the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act (2014).

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Assistant Executive Member

Contact: Donna Reddish, Service Director - Corporate Email: Tel: 01246 345307.

Report author: Joe Tomlinson

Publication date: 09/04/2014

Date of decision: 08/04/2014

Decided at meeting: 08/04/2014 - Joint Cabinet and Employment & General Committee

Accompanying Documents: