Decision details

Review of Sports and Leisure Fees and Charges 2016/17

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Sport and Leisure Manager submitted a report recommending for approval proposed changes to the fees and charges for Indoor Sport and Leisure facilities to take effect from 1 April, 2016.


The Sport and Leisure manager advised that the review of fees and charges had taken into account the economic challenges that faced the Council and local communities. The report noted that the Sport and Leisure Service needed to operate in a more business-like manner but maintain a balance of affordable access to services.


In addition, the fees and charges proposals had taken into account:

·        The need for the Council to achieve a balanced budget,

·        The fees and charges structures of other local public and private sector providers,

·        Quality and mix of provision at the sports centres,

·        Health inequalities,

·        Value for money considerations,

·        The Council’s corporate priorities,

·        Customer expectations,

·        The need for concessionary pricing to have a positive impact in communities and address inactivity.


The report outlined changes to the Change4Life criteria which included the new concession arrangements that would be applied on a means basis using the criteria to be agreed corporately.


It was reported that the new QPSC had been registered for VAT; as a result the exempt payments made by regular bookings would be subject to VAT being paid. All the clubs had been advised of the changes and the impact and implications would be addressed in the setting of future fees and charges.


It was also reported that over 1300 new memberships at QPSC had been sold by February 2016 and the HLC had received record sales for December 2015 and January 2016.




1.   That the proposed charges for Queen’s Park Sport Centre and the Healthy Living Centre for 2016/17, as detailed in appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved and implemented from 1 April, 2016.


2.   That the amended charging policy, as detailed at appendix C of the officer’s report, be approved with immediate effect.




To ensure the Council’s fees and charges for Sport and Leisure Indoor facilities best place the service to achieve the 2020 corporate objectives.


To manage performance of the Councils overall financial position and reduce the overall cost of Sport and Leisure provision by the Council to a sustainable position – ideally breakeven.


To support the Council’s corporate plan, develop social capital and community resilience; in particular improving health and well-being in the borough and the workplace.


To improve customer service, quality of provision, accessible service programming and overall participation levels of sport, physical activity and health in the borough.


To support identified target groups in taking part in activities through access to a wide range of opportunities including concessionary pricing.

Contact: Mick Blythe Email: Tel: 01246 345101.

Report author: Mick Blythe

Publication date: 22/03/2016

Date of decision: 22/03/2016

Decided at meeting: 22/03/2016 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: