Issue - meetings

Derbyshire County Council Highways Issues

Meeting: 08/07/2020 - Taxi Consultative Committee (Item 30)

Derbyshire County Council Highways Issues


Further to Minute No. 23, it was noted that there had been a minor amendment to the proposed loading bay on Knifesmithgate in response to the objections to the traffic regulation order and that the revised road layouts for Elder Way and Knifesmithgate would be implemented as part of the revised public realm works in that area.

Meeting: 10/07/2019 - Taxi Consultative Committee (Item 7)

Derbyshire County Council Highways Issues


Further to Minute No. 32 (2018/19), it was noted that Highways staff were continuing to work with the developers to finalise the detail of the public realm improvements on Elder Way and Knifesmithgate, in order to commence the legal consultation stage.

Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Taxi Consultative Committee (Item 6)

Derbyshire County Council Highways Issues


Further to Minute No. 33, Simon Tranter reported that the County Council Cabinet Member decision on 26 April, 2018 had approved an 18 months experimental period for the use of bus lanes by hackney carriages. Orders had been placed for the necessary electrical and signage work, which it was hoped would be completed by September, 2018. The experimental period could be ended earlier than 18 months if problems arose, but if it proved successful, it would become a permanent arrangement at the end of 18 months.


He confirmed that once further details had been received from the developer in respect of proposed loading bays and taxi ranks on Elder Way, detailed proposals for the taxi rank in the longer term on Knifesmithgate would be prepared and comments would be invited at that stage. Trade representatives emphasised the need to take account of the availability of taxi ranks near the town centre shopping area.

Meeting: 12/07/2017 - Taxi Consultative Committee (Item 6)

Derbyshire County Council Highways Issues


Further to Minute No. 37, Simon Tranter reported that following the first stage of consultation on the proposals for the use of bus lanes by hackney carriages, comments had been taken into account and the proposals would shortly be advertised in the Derbyshire Times. Any formal objections submitted within the three week consultation period would need to be considered by the County Council’s Cabinet prior to the proposals being implemented.


It was confirmed that the proposals related to allowing the use of bus lanes only by hackney carriages, not private hire vehicles, in line with most other authorities, and that the signage required by the legislation would refer to use by ‘taxis’ (defined as hackney carriages in the legislation). Steve Aldersley expressed concern that there may be some confusion as other authorities locally did not pursue enforcement action against private hire vehicles using bus lanes. It was confirmed that the provisions once implemented would be enforced by the Police in line with the relevant legislation. It was suggested that any available evidence relating to this from other authorities be submitted to Brian Offiler before the next meeting for consideration at that meeting.


Representatives were encouraged to submit comments during the formal consultation period once this was advertised.

Meeting: 20/07/2016 - Taxi Consultative Committee (Item 8)

Derbyshire County Council Highways Issues


Further to Minute No. 43, Simon Tranter reported that he would consult with trade representatives in order to develop detailed proposals for the use of bus lanes by hackney carriages. It was suggested that he meet with the three representatives of hackney carriage licence holders on the Committee before the next meeting to consider the circumstances of each bus lane and for the representatives to submit their written comments and reasons to Simon.


In response to questions from trade representatives it was confirmed that the capital programme bid currently approved related to allowing the use of bus lanes only by hackney carriages, not private hire vehicles, on the grounds of road safety. Simon agreed to discuss this further with Steve Aldersley.


It was noted that, following further consideration at the Taxi Consultative Committee, final recommendations to the Highways Authority would take account of the outcome of consultation with trade representatives, statutory bodies and other road users (such as bus companies and cyclists), the experience of schemes in other towns and traffic management and road safety issues.