Issue - meetings

Housing restructure phase 1

Meeting: 22/02/2022 - Joint Cabinet and Employment & General Committee (Item 10)

Housing restructure phase 1

Additional documents:




1.    That the establishment of a new staffing structure and ways of working for the Housing Directorate, which provides leadership and operational capacity to deliver cohesive proactive customer focussed services, be approved.


2.    That the Phase 1 Housing Restructure and the associated funding arrangements be approved.


3.    That the proposed timescales for the Phase 2 Restructure of the Housing Property Service be approved.




1.    The Housing Directorate delivers two fundamental functions, the management and maintenance of the Council’s housing stock and the provision of key statutory functions including homelessness and private sector housing. Reshaping the approach to delivering these services is designed to ensure that there are clear and effective customer pathways so that we improve the quality of life for local people, a key priority within the Council Plan.


2.    Following the publication of the Social Housing White Paper the management and maintenance of Council Housing will be subject to a regulatory framework governed by the Regulator of Social Housing. The proposed service reshape prepares and future proofs the Housing Service to enable the Council to meet these new responsibilities.


3.    Development of the Phase 2 Housing Property Service reshape is expected to begin in the Spring of 2022 once Phase 1 has been approved. The aim is to deliver a comprehensive repairs, maintenance and investment service driven by quality, customer service and cost management to respond effectively the challenges of regulatory compliance, the climate change agenda, fuel poverty and the upcoming review of the decent homes’ standard.


The Service Director - Housing submitted a report seeking approval for the proposed restructure of the Housing Directorate.


The proposed restructure had been designed to maintain and improve the Councils ability to deliver priority outcomes for Chesterfield’s communities.


The restructure would be delivered in two phases. The first phase covered the housing management, careline and statutory housing functions. The second phase would cover the asset management, capital programme and operational property functions.


The current and proposed structures were attached at Appendix A of the officer’s report.


The report provided details on the financial implications and an equalities impact assessment had been completed. It was explained that the proposals had been the subject of consultation with all affected staff and their trade union representatives.




1.    That the establishment of a new staffing structure and ways of working for the Housing Directorate, which provides leadership and operational capacity to deliver cohesive proactive customer focussed services, be approved.


2.    That the Phase 1 Housing Restructure and the associated funding arrangements be approved.


3.    That the proposed timescales for the Phase 2 Restructure of the Housing Property Service be approved.




1.    The Housing Directorate delivers two fundamental functions, the management and maintenance of the Council’s housing stock and the provision of key statutory functions including homelessness and private sector housing. Reshaping the approach to delivering these services is designed to ensure that there are clear and effective customer pathways so that we improve the quality of life for local people, a key priority within the Council Plan.


2.    Following the publication of the Social Housing White Paper the management and maintenance of Council Housing will be subject to a regulatory framework governed by the Regulator of Social Housing. The proposed service reshape prepares and future proofs the Housing Service to enable the Council to meet these new responsibilities.


3.    Development of the Phase 2 Housing Property Service reshape is expected to begin in the Spring of 2022 once Phase 1 has been approved. The aim is to deliver a comprehensive repairs, maintenance and investment service driven by quality, customer service and cost management to respond effectively the challenges of regulatory compliance, the climate change agenda, fuel poverty and the upcoming review of the decent homes’ standard.