Issue - meetings

Re-prioritisation of resources into the health and wellbeing priority Portfolio

Meeting: 14/06/2016 - Joint Cabinet and Employment & General Committee (Item 5)

Re-prioritisation of Resources into the Health and Wellbeing Priority Portfolio

Additional documents:




(1)         That the proposed changes to the Arts Development, Sustainability and Community Assemblies/Community Development services be approved.


(2)         That the Health and Wellbeing Officer role be established.


(3)         That the relevant service managers (Arts and Venues Manager, Policy and Communications Manager and Health and Wellbeing Manager), in consultation with the HR Manager, be authorised to implement the changes.


(4)         That the value and effectiveness of the Council’s re-prioritised approach to promoting health and wellbeing, reducing health inequalities and building social capital, including the success of the new Health and Wellbeing Officer role, be reviewed in 12 months’ time.


The Policy and Communications Manager submitted a report recommending for approval changes to three discretionary service areas in order to re-align resources into the Health and Wellbeing priority.


The Council Plan had been revised for 2016/17 to take into account new data about Chesterfield’s worsening Health Profile, some re-prioritisation of resources from discretionary services was considered necessary to address the situation. In addition, the Council’s budget strategy had identified that resources should be re-directed or re-allocated from low priority and discretionary areas to priority areas when looking for savings.


The report outlined the three service areas involved and the key features of the three posts under review that had the ability to provide a valuable contribution to the health and wellbeing agenda and would be retained in the new role. One FTE post would be created to support the development and delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, increase capacity within the key priority area and retain the priority activities from arts development, sustainability and community development. The existing posts, equating to 2.5 FTEs, would be deleted.


A summary of the actions taken in relation to the displaced employee’s protocol was included in the report along with details of the help provided to the ‘at risk’ employees to find redeployment. Consultations had taken place with the trade unions and the affected employees had received individual consultations.


The Job Description and Person Specification for the new Health and Wellbeing Officer post were attached to the report along with the full Equality Impact Assessment.


The report outlined the financial implications along with the potential risks involved in the review and included other options that had been considered and reasons why these had not been pursued.


Councillor A Diouf requested that his vote against the recommendations be recorded in the minutes. Councillor Davenport requested that her vote to abstain be recorded in the minutes.




(1) That the proposed changes to the Arts Development, Sustainability and Community Assemblies/Community Development services be approved.


(2) That the Health and Wellbeing Officer role be established.


(3) That the relevant service managers (Arts and Venues Manager, Policy and Communications Manager and Health and Wellbeing Manager), in consultation with the HR Manager, be authorised to implement the changes.


(4) That the value and effectiveness of the Council’s re-prioritised approach to promoting health and wellbeing, reducing health inequalities and building social capital, including the success of the new Health and Wellbeing Officer role, be reviewed in 12 months’ time.