Venue: Committee Room 1, Chesterfield Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield S40 1LP
Contact: Amanda Clayton 01246 345273
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Minutes: Councillor Lewis was appointed Chair of the Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee for 2022/23.
(Councillor Lewis then took the Chair)
Councillor Gilby was appointed Vice-Chair of the Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee for 2022/23. |
Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee Governance Arrangements - articles and procedures Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council presented a report detailing the proposed governance arrangements for the Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee.
The arrangements provided a necessary formality to evidence to Government the collective commitment of Derbyshire councils to Vision Derbyshire as a refreshed approach to collaborative working and a viable alternative to local government reorganisation.
Thanks were recorded to the monitoring officers of Derbyshire Dales District Council and Derbyshire County Council for their input. It was noted that external legal advice had also been taken on the terms of reference, articles, and rules of procedure. These were attached at appendix 1 to the officer’s report.
The main aims and objectives of the Joint Committee were outlined and emphasis placed on the flexibility that had been written in to the governance arrangements to allow all Derbyshire Councils to continue to participate in discussions alongside those that had already resolved to take up full member authority status.
That the newly established Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee applies the governance standards that have been developed and approved by the current full member authorities Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire Dales District Council and High Peak Borough Council.
Formal governance arrangements are required to support effective decision making. This had been identified during the first two stages of Vision Derbyshire development as crucial in taking Vision Derbyshire forward. |
Establishment of programme resource and next phase of delivery Minutes: The Managing Director of Derbyshire County Council presented a report setting out the proposals that had been developed by the full member authorities to establish a Vision Derbyshire programme resource and for the next phase of delivery.
The programme resource would allow work on the thematic ambition areas to be taken forward at pace; also ensuring Vision Derbyshire’s alignment with other emerging agendas e.g., the Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care System and County Deal proposals.
The groundwork for the recruitment of staff had already begun and other budget resources established to support with set up costs, committee administration and Vision Derbyshire communications.
Theme - Live and work sustainably a) Climate Change Strategy b) Climate Change Planning Policy Additional documents:
Minutes: 6a) Climate Change Strategy
The Leader of Amber Valley Borough Council presented a report detailing the significant work that had been taken forward to establish a Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Strategy.
The importance of working collaboratively on such an important topic was emphasised. The Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Strategy was not intended to replace but to align in support of individual authorities’ strategies.
The strategy had been developed by the Vision Derbyshire Climate Change working group, which comprised of officer representatives from all Derbyshire councils. The working group was now developing a detailed action plan to give effect to the strategy.
The working group was thanked for all its hard work and it was noted that several Derbyshire councils had already formally adopted the Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Strategy.
That the Joint Committee endorses the publication and delivery of the Vision Derbyshire Climate Change Strategy (2022-2025).
6b) Climate Change and Planning Policy
The Leader of Derbyshire Dales District Council presented a report detailing the progress made on the Vision Derbyshire Climate Change and Planning Policy work stream.
It was hoped that the Vision Derbyshire-backed Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) would become an exemplar document and one that would assist with the development of robust planning policy in relation to climate change. The SPG would be disseminated amongst Derbyshire councils with the intention of it being adopted by all.
Funding was required to create a web-based resource to host the new and innovative climate change metric that had also been developed to support both developers and/or planning officers with the respective submission and consideration of planning applications. Several external consultees had examined both the SPG and metric and liked the approach.
The Head of Planning at Derbyshire County Council emphasised the need for effective promotion of the SPG at a time when so many Derbyshire councils were reviewing their Local Plans
1. That the progress update on the Climate Change and Planning Policy workstream be noted. 2. That up to £20,000 be allocated to allow the Climate Change SPG and metric to progress by the development of a bespoke web presence and online resource to enable the consideration of climate change in planning policy and in the consideration of planning applications be agreed.
Thematic update (seize innovation, establish relentless ambition, and build proactive communities) Minutes: 7a) Seize Innovation
The Leader of Chesterfield Borough Council provided an update on the Vision Derbyshire Business Start-up Project.
Following a soft launch in April 2021, 278 prospective entrepreneurs had to date registered for support. 193 of these were now being actively supported by 5no. business advisers. The latter were deployed on the basis of 1no. adviser per 2no. local authority areas.
The project was also keen to engage with social enterprises and information on a community hub in Belper was shared to exemplify this commitment.
Applications were also now starting to be received for the grant funding element of the Start-up project.
Reference was then made to the start of a conversation on scoping out a brief for making Derbyshire a ‘smart county’ where the digital needs of all individuals and communities would be fulfilled.
That the update be noted.
7b) Relentless Ambition
The Leader of Derbyshire County Council provided an update on the Relentless Ambition theme.
Specific reference was made to Vision Derbyshire’s collaboration with the University of Derby and the Derbyshire Festival of Business. To date, 86 Festival-themed events had taken place across the county since the end of September with many more scheduled.
An outline of the future Festival of Business programme was provided, and the committee’s attention drawn to events that would explore the following opportunities;
· An apprenticeship hub for Derbyshire · Shared procurement: to achieve better value for all and enable aspects of Social Value and sustainability to be incorporated into future procurement activities · Skills research work: to understand the gaps in current training provision and the barriers to skills acquisition · Graduate Recruitment: addressing the lack of graduate training programmes in Derbyshire councils · Inward investment: to bring new businesses to Derbyshire · Retrofitting of houses and the unique skills required to carry out this work.
That the update be noted.
7c) Proactive Communities
The Chief Executive of High Peak Borough Council provided an update on the Proactive Communities theme.
Specific reference was made to the success of Vision Derbyshire’s work in addressing homelessness and rough sleeping.
One of Vision Derbyshire’s primary roles was to engage other public and voluntary sector partners in specific projects and activities to deliver better outputs and outcomes for people and places and also to establish best practice. This had most definitely been achieved in relation to homelessness and rough sleeping both through and beyond the period of the pandemic.
Future potential areas of work were identified;
· Addressing domestic violence and domestic abuse · The future of Independent Living Services · Progressing a Community Impact Assessment to explore the ongoing impact of Covid-19 on Derbyshire’s communities · VCS Support arrangements · Working with Active Derbyshire and Walk Derbyshire on new and existing initiatives
That the update be noted.
Levelling Up White Paper and County Deals update Minutes: The Managing Director of Derbyshire County Council presented an update on the Levelling Up White Paper and County Deals.
A new devolution framework was being created and Derbyshire and Derby was among nine county areas that had been identified by the Government for a potential devolution deal. This was noted as a significant opportunity.
In their letter of invitation, the Government had specifically acknowledged Vision Derbyshire as an innovative approach to service transformation.
Three levels of deal were available with differing levels of power and flexibility. A template submission had already been made to the Government for a Tier 3 deal on a Derby City, Derbyshire County, Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County footprint. A Tier 3 deal would require any future Combined County Authority to be led by a directly elected mayor.
The work that Derbyshire councils had taken forward on Vision Derbyshire was viewed as a key factor in being chosen as a pathfinder area, providing Derbyshire County with a unique selling point and a voice for its collective ambition.
Further work was required to ensure the alignment of Vision Derbyshire with the County Deal process in parallel with progressing an on-ongoing dialogue with Government.
A broader response to the proposals set out in the White Paper was also highlighted as a logical next step.
That the update be noted.