Browse meetings

Deputy Leader

This page lists the meetings for Deputy Leader.


Information about Deputy Leader

The Deputy Leader is able to make individual Executive decisions on delegated matters as detailed in the Council’s Constitution. A summary of the responsibilities of this post is below, for full details visit Part 3 of the Constitution.


Responsibilities include:


·      Overall policy direction (with Leader)

·      Public service reform (with Cabinet Member for Customers and Business Transformation)

·      Council plan 2019 - 2023

·      Council performance and improvement

·      Corporate communications - public relations, Your Chesterfield etc. (with Leader)

·      Revenue budget and medium term financial plan

·      Capital strategy and programme

·      Treasury management and investment strategy

·      Climate change strategy

·      Chesterfield town centre masterplan (with Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy)

·      Lead – internal strategic partnerships

·      Skills and employability