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Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

This page lists the meetings for Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing.


Information about Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing is able to make individual Cabinet Member decisions on delegated matters as detailed in the Council’s Constitution. A summary of the responsibilities of this post is below, for full details visit Part 3 of the Constitution.


Responsibilities include:


·      Health and wellbeing strategy

·      Improving health and tackling inequalities

·      Community outreach and development programme

·      Grants to voluntary organisations Sports Facilities

­   Queen’s Park Sports Centre

­   Staveley Healthy Living Centre

·      Parks and open spaces including cemeteries and Chesterfield and District Crematorium

·      Environmental health services

·      Community safety and licensing

·      Safeguarding

·      Town centre summit – tackling anti-social behaviour and eradicating rough-sleeping (with Leader)

·      Waste collection and recycling

·      Streetscene and grounds maintenance

·      Building cleaning