Agenda item

Questions to the Leader

To receive questions submitted to the Leader under Standing Order No.14


Under Standing Order No.14 Members asked the following questions:


·        Councillor Borrell had read in a news article that household recycling rates had increased during lockdown but were expected to fall after lockdown had ended and the weather improved. The Councillor noted that most public locations only offered general waste bins and asked if the Council would consider introducing more widely available separate recycling bins to keep recycling rates high.


The Leader provided a verbal response, referring to the Council’s strong commitment to recycling and advised that systems were being reviewed to ensure they complied with the Covid-19 requirements. The Leader also detailed the efforts taking place to encourage recycling in the Borough.


·        Councillor Lisa Collins asked for an update about the Staveley Town Deal Accelerator Project and shared the successes of the King George V Park for service user’s mental health and physical wellbeing.


The Leader provided a verbal response, referring to the aims of the accelerator projects and advising the Council that all of the projects within the Staveley Town Deal had been completed. One of the projects entailed further work to bring the DRIIVe (Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle), Innovation and Training Centre forward which would benefit young people aspiring to join the rail industry.


·        Councillor Miles asked the Leader what she thought had been the key success since the Labour Group had gained overall control of Chesterfield Borough Council in 2011.


The Leader provided a verbal response, referring to the key successes in three sections: health and wellbeing, homes and investment in jobs.


·        Councillor Mann asked if the Leader would like to thank all of the participants in the Staveley Town Deal Board.


The Leader provided a verbal response congratulating all of the other projects in the scheme and noted the large amounts of publicity that Chesterfield Borough Council had issued applauding the work of the other projects.


·        Councillor Hollingworth asked whether there were any plans for Tapton House which currently stood empty.


The Leader provided a verbal response, referring to the activity which had been taking place to find an occupant and the challenges that had been faced. Knight Frank, specialists in the field, had been contracted and were actively marketing the facility.