Agenda item

Applications for Planning Permission - Plans Determined by the Committee


*The Committee considered the under-mentioned applications in light of reports by the Development Management and Conservation Manager

and resolved as follows:-


Councillor Terry Gilby left the meeting at this point.




In accordance with Minute No. 299 (2001/2002) Cllr Tricia Gilby (objector), Pam Wright (objector), Michael Goucher (objector) and Sarah Wills (the applicant’s planning consultant) addressed the meeting.


That the officer recommendation be upheld and the application be approved subject to the following conditions:-


1.  The development hereby approved shall only be carried out in full accordance with the approved plans (listed below) with the exception of specified conditions within this decision and any approved non-material amendment. All external dimensions and elevational treatments shall be as shown on the approved plan/s (listed below).


§  All received 18.12.20:

§  Site location plan 1010-003-01-01

§  Proposed materials layout 110-003-02-04

§  Land transfer plan 1010-003-02-05 Rev A

§  Tree Impact assessment BA10077AIA-E Rev B

§  Tree Impact assessmentBA10077AIA-W Rev B

§  Tree Protection plan BA10077TPP-E Rev C

§  Tree Protection plan BA10077TPP-W Rev C

§  Tree survey and constraints BA10077TS-E Rev A

§  Tree survey and constraints BA10077TS-W Rev A

§  Juniper house type floor plans and elevations 1010-003-02-HT03, HT04, HT05, HT06 Rev A

§  Chestnut house type floor plans and elevations  110-003-02-HT07, HT08, HT09, HT10 Rev A

§  Aspen house type floor plans and elevations 110-003-02-HT11, HT13, HT14 Rev A

§  Alder house type floor plans and elevations 1010-003-02-HT15, HT16, HT17 Rev A

§  Birch house type floor plans and elevations 1010-003-02-HT18, HT19, HT20 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 Rev A


§  All received 24.06.2021

§  Site Layout plan 1010-003-02-01 Rev G

§  Visibility Splays and Forward visibility 20030-IN-01 Rev B

§  Separation distances review 1010-003-02-09

§  Apple house type floor plan and elevation 1010-003-02HT29 1 of 2 and 2 of 2

§  Ash/Elmslie house type floor plans and elevations 1010-003-02- HT 27 (Rev A) and HT28 1 of 2 and 2 of 2

§  A20 house type 2 block floor plans and elevations 1010-003-02- HT31 Rev A

§  A20 house type 3 block floor plans and elevations 1010-003-02-HT23 Rev D 1 of 2 and 2 of 2.

§  Juneberry house type floor plan and elevations 1010-003-02-HT30 Rev A, 1 of 2 and 2 of 2

§  POS landscaping proposals (sheets 1 and 2) 8881-L-101 Rev G

§  Detail on plot planting plans 8881-L-103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109  Rev F


§  Boundary treatment plan 8881-L-110 Rev H

§  M4(2) Compliance layout 1010-003-02-08 Rev A

§  Elevational treatment plan 1010-003-02-10


Other documents:


§  WSI – Targeted archaeological excavation Vers.b-12.12.19

§  Travel plan November 2020 Rev 2 (mosodi)

§  Transport statement October 2020 Rev 1 (mosodi)

§  Proposed levels strategy 1092-005 Rev A

§  Proposed drainage strategy November 2020

§  Planning Statement December 2020

§  Lithos soakaway results 30.04.2020

§  LithosGeoenvironmental Appraisal Report no. 3569/1

§  Landscape Strategy November 2020

§  Design and access statement 1010-003-DAS01 November 2020

§  Biodiversity enhancement strategy November 2020

§  Arboricultural impact assessment 04.11.2020 ref: BA10077AIA

§  Pre development Tree Survey 07.10.2020 Ref: BA10077TS


2.  No development shall take place until a detailed design and associated management and maintenance plan of the surface water drainage for the site, in accordance with the principles outlined within:


a. The Drainage Strategy Revision 4 dated 14/11/2020 “including any subsequent amendments or updates to those documents as approved by the Flood Risk Management Team”


b. And DEFRA’s Non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems (March 2015),

have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


3.  Prior to commencement of the development, the applicant shall submit for approval to the LPA details indicating how additional surface water run-off from the site will be avoided during the construction phase. The applicant may be required to provide collection, balancing and/or settlement systems for these flows. The approved system shall be operating to the satisfaction of the LPA, before the commencement of any works, which would lead to increased surface water run-off from site during the construction phase.


4.  The attenuation pond should not be brought into use until such a time as it is fully designed and constructed in line with CIRIA SuDS manual C753 and an associated management and maintenance plan, in line with CIRIA SuDS Manual C753 is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


5.  Prior to the first occupation of the development, a verification report carried out by a qualified drainage engineer must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. This must demonstrate that the drainage system has been constructed as per the agreed scheme (or detail any minor variations), provide the details of any management company and state the national grid reference of any key drainage elements (surface water attenuation devices/areas, flow restriction devices and outfalls).


6.  No individual dwelling hereby approved shall be occupied until the optional requirement for water consumption (110 litres use per person per day) in Part G of the Building Regulations has been complied with for that dwelling.


7.  Notwithstanding the submitted boundary treatment plans a revised boundary plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing prior to groundworks commencing on individual plots to better define the public and private spaces to plots 1, 11, 12, 59 to 62, 66 to 70, 81, 89 and 56 to 44 and to provide a secure and robust fence line to the northern boundary. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details prior to the occupation of each new dwelling.


8.  In line with condition 10 of the outline permission and notwithstanding the submitted landscaping scheme and levels strategy plan, a revised scheme of hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatments shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority within 28 days of the commencement of development, the details of which shall include:-


a)  all plant species to improve biodiversity, planting sizes, planting densities, the number of each species to be planted including supplementary planting to the northern boundary and how this will sit with a proposed fence line, and additional planting to the western boundary as a buffer to the vehicle yard and additional planting in the area between plots 11 and 12;


b)  grass/meadow seed mixes and sowing rates to improve biodiversity;


c)  finished site and plot levels in relation to existing development/land levels;


d)  hard surfacing materials, including details of the cycle/path to the main street and any crossing details associated with this, the footpath to the southern boundary and all roads;


e)  minor artefacts and structures, furniture, signs and lighting;


f)  details of the street tree planting, including any agreement with the highway authority;


g)  details including sections of all retaining boundary features and their facing materials;


h)  a schedule of when the various areas of planting are proposed to take place which to the northern boundary needs to be as soon as possible.


9.  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or in any Statutory Instrument revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no buildings, fences, gates, walls or other means of enclosure shall be erected within the curtilage of, and no windows shall be inserted into the side or rear elevations of plots 1- 15, 22 – 27, 36 – 42 and 44, and no extensions formed to the rear of plots 1 – 14, 22 – 27, 36 – 38 and 40 – 42 and the side or rear of plots 15, 35, 39 and 44, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority upon an application submitted to it.


10. Throughout the construction process measures to minimise the spread of airborne dust from the site during the construction period including hosing of the site in dry weather and wheel washing facilities shall be provided and retained throughout the construction works.


11. The development shall have a minimum 32mm water supply capable of delivering the required volumes for a domestic sprinkler system.


12. Prior to the transfer of any affordable units to a registered social landlord details of the plot by plot tenure shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Should this need to be amended on a needs basis any such amendment shall also be likewise agreed. 


13. Plots 11, 80, 81, 104, 108 shall have a side windows to the ground or upper floor as set out in the house type variants to overlook the public areas of the site.


14. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the site compound, the subject of Condition 17 of the outline permission, shall not be brought into use until a details scheme of highway improvement works for the provision of a new junction with Chesterfield Road, together with a programme for the implementation and completion of the works has been submitted and approved, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.  No part of the development shall be brought into use until the required highway improvement works have been constructed in accordance with the approved details.  For the avoidance of doubt, this will include improved pedestrian facilities for crossing the A619 and the developer will be required to enter in an Agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 with the Highway Authority in order to comply with the requirements of this condition.


15. Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to any works commencing a revised layout shall be submitted and approved to address the Highway Authority comments dated the 11th August 2021.


16. The carriageways and footways of the proposed estate roads shall be constructed in accordance with Condition 16 of the outline permission above up to and including base course surfacing to ensure that each dwelling prior to occupation has a properly consolidated and surfaced carriageway and footway between the dwelling and the existing highway.  Until final surfacing is completed, the footway base course shall be provided in a manner to avoid any upstands to gullies, covers, kerbs or other such obstructions within or abutting the footway.  The carriageways, footway and footpaths in front of each dwelling shall be completed with final surface course within twelve months (or three months in the case of a shared surface road) from the occupation of such dwelling, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


17. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re-enacting that Order) there shall be no gates or other barriers within 6.0m of the nearside highway boundary and any gates shall open inwards only, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


18. The proposed drives to the new estate street shall be no steeper than 1:10 for the first 6m from the nearside highway boundary and 1:14 thereafter.


19. No part of the development shall be occupied until details of arrangements for storage of bins and collection of waste have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed details and the facilities retained for the designated purpose at all times thereafter.


20. Prior to the developing commencing on the construction of any driveways to serve individual dwellings, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority showing the means to prevent the discharge of water from the development onto the existing and proposed highway.  The approved scheme shall be undertaken and completed prior to the first use of the access and retained as such thereafter.


21. No part of the development shall be occupied until details of the proposed arrangements for future management and maintenance of the proposed streets within the development have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The streets shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved management and maintenance details until such time as an Agreement has been entered into under Section 38 of the Highways 1980 or a private management and maintenance company has been established.




Supporting documents: