Agenda item

Applications for Planning Permission - Plans Determined by the Committee


*The Committee considered the under-mentioned applications in light of reports by the Development Management and Conservation Manager

and resolved as follows:-




Councillor Paul Mann left the meeting.


In accordance with Minute No. 299 (2001/2002) Mr Robert Galij

(applicant) addressed the meeting.


That the officer recommendation be upheld and the application be approved subject to the following conditions and that a CIL liability notice be issued as per section 5.13 of the officer’s report:-


1. The development hereby approved shall only be carried out in full accordance with the approved plans (listed below) with the exception of any condition requirements within this decision or approved non-material amendment. All external dimensions and elevational treatments shall be as shown on the approved plan/s (listed below):

Site location plan ADC2600/DR/050 Rev P01 received 28.07.2021

Cycle Provision layout H8427/CYCR Rev B received 16.02.2022

Planning Layout - composite (coloured) H8427/P102 e Rev F received



House type Abbeydale: H349-H7 received 17.12.2021

House type Alfreton: BAFT 00CD received 17.12.2021

House type Archford: P382-EH7 received 17.12.2021

House type Ashington: H457 -H7 received 17.12.2021

House type Avondale: H456-X7 received 17.12.2021

House type Brentford and Haversham: 2016/BH/P/02

House type Cannington: T321 EH7 received 17.12.2021

House type Denby: BDBY 00HD received 17.12.2021

House type Denford: BDNF 00HE received 17.12.2021

House type Ellerton: BLLE 00HE received 17.12.2021

House type Greenwood: T322 E-7 received 17.12.2021

House type Hadley: P341-E-7 and D-7 received 17.12.2021

House type Hale: BHAL 00HD received 17.12.2021

House type Haversham: BHVR 00HE received 17.12.2021

House type Hemsworth: BHSW 00HD received 17.12.2021

House type Henley: H588 -7 received 17.12.2021

House type Holden: H469 - H7 received 17.12.2021

House type Ingleby: H403 -F7 received 17.12.2021

House type Kenley BKNL 00CI and 00HE received 17.12.2021

House type Kennford: BKNR 00HD received 17.12.2021

House type Kingsley BKEY 00HD received 17.12.2021

House type Kingsville BKIS 00CE received 17.12.2021

House type Kirkdale H442 - H7 received 17.12.2021

House type Lamberton: BLBM 00HD received 17.12.2021

House type Lutterworth: BLUT 00CD received 17.12.2021

House type Maidstone: BMAI 00HE and 00CE received 17.12.2021

House type Meriden: H429 - H7 received 17.12.2021

House type Moresby: BMMS 00CE and 00CD received 17.12.2021

House type Radleigh: BRAD 00HD received 17.12.2021

House type: Type 38 and 39 2010/38-39/C/01 received 17.12.2021

House type: Type 65 B65F 00CI and 00CE received 17.12.2021

House type: Type 67 B67F 00CI and 00HE received 17.12.2021

House type: Type 69 B69F 00HE received 17.12.2021

House type: SH69-EG7 and SH69-I-7 received 17.12.2021

House type Wilford: P204-EG7 and P204-I-7 received 17.12.2021

House type Winstone: H421.H7 received 17.12.2021


LDG1H8 - 6 x 3 Double Garage received 28.07.2021

LDG2H8 - 6 x 3 Twin garage received 28.07.2021

LSG1H8 - 6 x 3 Single garage received 28.07.2021

SDG1H8 - Double garage received 28.07.2021

SDG2H8 - Twin garage received 28.07.2021

SSG1H8 - Single garage received 28.07.2021


Boundary Treatment Layout H8427/22 received 17.12.2021

Boundary Wall Type 3 NM - SD13 -013 received 28.07.2021

Dwarf natural stone wall (mortared) plan 2016/DET/239 received 17.12.2021

Dwarf dry natural stone wall 2016/DET/238 received 17.12.2021

Estate railings 201/DET/250 received 28.07.2021

Timber knee rail 2010/DET/216 received 28.07.2021

Close boarded fence 2010/DET/207 received 28.07.2021

Green infrastructure landscape plans GL1575 04B, 05B, 06B, 07B, 08B,

09B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B received 16.02.2022

Ecological enhancement plan North and south received 17.12.2021

Hedgehog Highway guidance DB-SD11-004 received 21.12.2021


02. Prior to works commencing on the construction of the highway within the site, details of the geomembrane to be provided within the zone of influence shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


03. Prior to first occupation details of the fencing to be located in association with the TPO woodland to prevent public access shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


04. Prior to works commencing on phase PH2 details of the foundation design of plot 137 and any adjacent plots as deemed necessary to address the below ground conditions from the opencast highwall, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


05. The development hereby approved shall be completed in accordance with the recommendations of the Noise assessment dated July 2021 ref: 25739-04-NA-01 Rev A.


06. Notwithstanding the details on Boundary Treatment Layout H8427/22 received 17.12.2021, details of all retaining features and retaining boundaries including sections and facing materials across the development shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of in each phase. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


07. Notwithstanding plan H8427/22 (boundary treatments) and prior to work commencing on each of these plots, the rear boundary detail to plots 1, 106, 145, 173, 212 and 213 shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed boundary treatment shall be installed prior to occupation of the specified units.

08. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or in any Statutory Instrument revoking or reenacting that Order with or without modification) there shall be no change to the height or detail of the rear boundaries to plots 1, 106, 145, 173, 212 and 213 from that agreed

under condition 7 above without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.


09. Prior to works commencing within each agreed phase details of the bin dwell areas to be provided at the end of each private drive immediately adjacent to the publicly adopted highway shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


10. Works shall be completed in accordance with the Ecological enhancement plan North and South received 17.12.2021 and the Hedgehog Highway guidance DB-SD11-004.


11. Prior to construction work commencing on the pumping station details of the structure/s shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


12. Notwithstanding any details to be agreed regarding tree protection the proposed landscaping of the site shall be in accordance with the Green infrastructure landscape plans GL1575 04B, 05B, 06B, 07B, 08B, 09B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B received 16.02.2022.


13. Prior to the commencement of development in line with condition 30 of

CHE/19/00131/OUT and notwithstanding the Green infrastructure landscape plans GL1575 04B, 05B, 06B, 07B, 08B, 09B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B received 16.02.2022 a detailed Arboricultural Impact Assessment shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


14. No individual dwelling hereby approved shall be occupied until the optional requirement for water consumption (110 litres use per person per day) in Part G of the Building Regulations has been complied with for that dwelling.


15. Notwithstanding the Culvert details shown on plan 043 Rev P1 and 044 Rev P1 and the Green infrastructure landscape plans GL1575 04B, 05B, 06B, 07B, 08B, 09B, 10B, 11B, 12B, 13B received 16.02.2022, details of proposed works to the central stream corridor, including taking into account the design details of the highway route through the site, along with an assessment of any impacts from this on water courses and habitats within

and beyond the boundaries of the site, and any mitigation measures required, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Works shall be completed in accordance with the agreed details.


16. A scheme of hard and soft landscaping within each plot shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to works commencing above slab level for that plot detailing:-

a) all plant species, planting sizes, planting densities, the number of each species to be planted and plant protection;

b) finished site levels and contours within each plot;

c) hard surfacing materials;

Works shall be completed prior to the occupation of each plot. The planting shall take place within the first available planting season prior to the occupation of each plot.


Councillor Paul Mann returned to the meeting.

Supporting documents: