Agenda item

Operational Services I.S.P. Final Accounts 2013/14 and Business Plan 2014/15 (H000)




(1)     That the Operational Services I.S.P. Final Accounts for 2013/14 be received and the financial position noted.


(2)     That £218,000 of the surplus be set aside to fund the items detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the report.


(3)     That the balance of the 2013/14 surplus (£500,003) be transferred to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).


(4)     That the Business Plan forecast for 2014/15 be approved.


The Head of Finance and Housing Service Manager – Operational Services submitted a report on the Final Accounts for 2013/14 and the Business Plan for 2014/15 in respect of the Operational Services Internal Service Provider (ISP).


It was proposed that £218,000 of the surplus be set aside to fund the items detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the report and that the balance of the 2013/14 surplus (£500,003) be transferred to the Housing Revenue Account.




(1)     That the Operational Services I.S.P. Final Accounts for 2013/14 be received and the financial position noted.


(2)     That £218,000 of the surplus be set aside to fund the items detailed in paragraph 3.4 of the report.


(3)             That the balance of the 2013/14 surplus (£500,003) be transferred to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).


(4)     That the Business Plan forecast for 2014/15 be approved.




To enable the financial position of the Operational Services ISP to be included in the Council’s overall Statement of Accounts for 2013/14.