Agenda item

Funding to Voluntary and Community Organisations 2014/15 - Service Level Agreements (S000)




(1)     That the level of funding for Service Level Agreements (SLAs) be maintained at the 2013/14 level to all five currently funded organisations - a total fund of £266,160 for 2014/15.


(2)     That the SLA Schedule 1 table for each organisation, attached at Appendix 2 to the report, be approved for inclusion within the SLAs for 2014/15.


(3)     That a review be undertaken on funding awarded to the organisations via SLAs, and that the outcomes be reported back to Cabinet by the end of 2014.


The Head of Regeneration submitted a report on the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that had been negotiated with voluntary and community organisations for 2014/15.


Those voluntary and community organisations which, in previous years, had applied for funding through the small grants programme had been notified that this funding would not be available from 2014/15 onwards. But all had been advised of the availability of alternative funding sources and opportunities.


Organisations holding SLAs with the Council for 2013/14 (Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Chesterfield Law Centre, Chesterfield Shopmobility, Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre, LINKS) had attended annual review meetings in early 2014 to check progress against their SLA.  Each organisation had completed an annual review report, attached at Appendix 1 to the report.  In addition, six monthly monitoring had been undertaken.


Each organisation had identified the outcomes, measures and targets from the Council’s Corporate Plan for 2013/14 to which they could contribute, and these were included in revised Schedule 1 tables to each of the SLAs for the coming financial year. The revised Schedule 1 tables were attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


At the next six-monthly monitoring review, due in late autumn 2014, the organisations would be required to ensure their activities were in line with the Council’s recently revised Corporate Plan for 2014/15.


It was proposed that the overall level of funding for SLAs and the level of funding for each organisation for 2014/15 be maintained at the same level as for 2013/14. A review of all funding allocated to organisations via SLAs would be undertaken during 2014/15 to inform future year’s budgets.




(1)     That the level of funding for Service Level Agreements (SLAs) be maintained at the 2013/14 level to all five currently funded organisations - a total fund of £266,160 for 2014/15.


(2)     That the SLA Schedule 1 table for each organisation, attached at Appendix 2 to the report, be approved for inclusion within the SLAs for 2014/15.


(3)     That a review be undertaken on funding awarded to the organisations via SLAs, and that the outcomes be reported back to Cabinet by the end of 2014.




To ensure that the future delivery of funding to Voluntary and Community Organisations meets the priorities of the Council and the needs of the residents of Chesterfield within a realistic and sustainable budget.

Supporting documents: