Agenda item

Approval to adopt the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2022 - 2025




That Cabinet recommends to full Council:

That the Chesterfield Borough Council new Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy be approved and adopted for the period 2022 through to 2025.




1.    It is essential for the Council to have a modern and relevant Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy that reflects recent developments in anti-social behaviour (ASB) characteristics, legislation and national and local priorities. This will enable the Council to strategically plan and prioritise resources across the Borough and to work appropriately with stakeholders to maximise effectiveness.


2.    The effective management of ASB related issues will support the Council’s wider ambitions regarding making Chesterfield a thriving borough and improving the quality of life for local people by actively contributing to making Chesterfield a great place to live, work and visit.



The Head of Community Safety and Regulatory Services presented a report seeking approval and adoption of the new Chesterfield Borough Council Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy (ASB) for the period 2022 through to 2025.


The proposed Corporate Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy, attached at Appendix A of the officer’s report, provided the framework for all Chesterfield Borough Council services involved in responding to ASB. The Strategy sought to ensure consistency of approach including the use of the various powers and responsibilities within each service area.


The new single strategy for the whole authority provided a clear structured approach from the strategic to operational levels. It outlined how the council would work with other key stakeholders to manage and reduce anti-social behaviour whilst aligning to the key legislative requirements of engagement with local communities, taking a preventative early intervention approach, being victim focused and using proportionate enforcement.


The key principles of the new ASB strategy were:


·        Early Intervention and Prevention

·        Enforcement

·        Diversion and Engagement

·        Communication


The consultation programme on the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy

had taken place between February and August 2022.  This programme, in

addition to ongoing internal officer engagement, included:


·        An online survey for members of the public to respond

·        A presentation and discussion with the Chesterfield Community Safety Partnership

·        Workshops with external partners including Derbyshire Constabulary, Derbyshire Fire Service and Chesterfield Spire Trust





That Cabinet recommends to Full council:


That the Chesterfield Borough Council new Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy be approved and adopted for the period 2022 through to 2025.




1.   It is essential for the Council to have a modern and relevant Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy that reflects recent developments in anti-social behaviour (ASB) characteristics, legislation and national and local policies.  This will enable the Council to strategically plan and prioritise resources across the Borough and work to work appropriately with stakeholders to maximise effectiveness.


2.   The effective management of ASB related issues will support the Council’s wider ambitions regarding making Chesterfield a thriving borough and improving the quality of life for local people by actively contributing to making Chesterfield a great place to live, work and visit. 


Supporting documents: