Agenda item

Deputy Leader - Climate Change Strategy Consultation

5.30pm to 6.15pm


The Deputy Leader of the Council and the Policy and Partnerships Manager attended the meeting to provide members with an update on the CBC Climate Change Strategy and the public engagement on the proposed Climate Change Strategy Themes.


The public consultation was due to run from 14th November to 12th December 2022 to gain public views on the 6 proposed Strategic Themes;


·        Buildings and Energy Use

·        Travel

·        Green space, land use and offsetting

·        Communications, engagement, and training

·        Data, monitoring and partnership activity

·        Council influence and partnership activity


A questionnaire was to be shared with the public to gain feedback on this draft set of themes.


The Policy and Partnerships Manager then shared more details around which activities could be undertaken in each theme to help reach both the 2030 and 2050 targets.  It was noted that this delivery plan was a working document with the aim of providing an annual report on progress.


Members asked if CBC had reached out to the community/local community groups for their input into the Strategic Themes.  The Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed that information sharing had been offered to Chesterfield Climate Change Group but no response had been received as yet.  Contact had also been made with various organisations including Chesterfield College.


In response to a question about whether paper copies would be available in areas such as schools and doctors’ surgeries, the Policy and Partnerships Manager confirmed that the Local Democracy work would pick up this theme but the carbon neutral element to leaving paper copies in public areas had to be considered.


Members also commented on some primary schools being reluctant to attend Local Democracy events due to transport costs.  The Deputy Leader of the Council stated that it was possible to utilise digital routes if Town Hall attendance was not possible and a wider consideration could be how to engage older children/teenagers.  Members then discussed engagement in schools, where to target and strengthen links and at what age.


A question was asked around the carbon offsetting element of the proposals and the balancing out of how/when to do this.  The Policy and Partnerships Manager confirmed that the feasibility of when to do this was being considered.


Members asked questions about the data provided and how the delivery plan would be reported going forwards.  The Policy and Partnerships Manager advised that the data had been supplied by the Climate Advisor, a new role to help with Climate Change policy, and it was planned that the next report would go to Cabinet in February 2023.


A member asked for clarification of how vehicle telemetry, as highlighted in the travel theme, would deliver any changes.  The Deputy Leader of the Council stated that telemetry would reduce unnecessary travel by ensuring fleet vehicles attend the jobs required in the most efficient order/route.


The Chair thanked the Deputy Leader of the Council and the Policy and Partnerships Manager for attending.


The Chair then advised that a separate virtual scrutiny session was planned for 5th December to review the six themes in working groups and collate ideas and comments prior to the budget meeting on 8th December.  The Chair also requested that if any members had further questions that they email these directly to Amanda Clayton, Democratic Services ahead of 5th December so responses can be shared in the session.





1.   That the update be noted.


2.   That a virtual scrutiny working group take place on Monday 5th
