Agenda item

Stephenson Memorial Hall project




1.   That G F Tomlinson Building Limited be appointed as the preferred principal contractor for the Stephenson Memorial Hall project and delivery of the public realm work in Corporation Street.


2.   That approval of the final financial business case be delegated to the Service Director for Finance, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Chief Executive, to ensure the project demonstrates a positive return on investment, when compared with the do-nothing option, and provides value for money.


3.   That G F Tomlinson Building Limited be appointed as the principal contractor to deliver the construction works, subject to the sign-off of the final financial business case, the satisfactory completion of the pre-construction services agreement, and the final cost estimates falling within the agreed budget, be approved.


4.   That the Theatre Lane Car Park be closed to the public, to enable it to be used as a compound for the principal contractor for the duration of the construction works.




To ensure the principal contractor is appointed as soon as possible so that the Stephenson Memorial Hall project proceeds on programme, and the building is restored and refurbished so that it can be enjoyed by the residents and visitors of Chesterfield for many years to come.


The Arts and Venues Manager presented a report seeking Cabinet approval for the appointment of the principal contractor for the Stephenson Memorial Hall project.


The aim was to develop the Stephenson Memorial Hall as an integrated cultural venue, and extend the life of one of Chesterfield’s most important heritage assets.


It had also been agreed that the principal contractor would be responsible for the proposed public realm improvements on Corporation Street, which were to be separately funded through the Levelling Up Fund.  The agreed budget for these works was £1,501,763.


The pre-tender estimate had indicated a revised capital cost for the Stephenson Memorial Hall project of £18,746,177.The cost was £1,593,217 higher than that reported to and agreed by Cabinet and Council in December 2021. A summary of the pre-tender estimate was provided in Appendix 1 of the officer’s report.


The council’s project team had since been working on ways to reduce the cost of the project to bring it back within the original budget of £17,152,960 whilst also maintaining sufficient contingency to deal with unforeseen issues.


The principal contractor was to be procured via the Pagabo Refit and Refurbishment framework.  Following an expression of interest stage in September 2022, the first formal stage of the procurement process had commenced in November 2022.


The council had only received one tender (part of which was included at Appendix 2 of the officer’s report). The tender had been evaluated by a panel consisting of council officers, a representative of Pagabo, the project architect and principal designer, and the project’s managers.


The financial submission had been separately reviewed by the project’s quantity surveyors.  A summary of their comments was attached in Appendix 3 of the officer’s report.


The afore-mentioned panel had recommended the appointment of G F Tomlinson Building Limited as the preferred principal contractor for the Stephenson Memorial Hall project, and the Pagabo tender report was detailed in Appendix 4 of the officer’s report.


G F Tomlinson Building Limited Ltd had indicated that, subject to completion of the contract and agreement of the final tender price, the company would be able to mobilise in four weeks.  The plan was for the principal contractor to start on site in June 2023, and complete the project by June 2025.





1.   That G F Tomlinson Building Limited be appointed as the preferred principal contractor for the Stephenson Memorial Hall project and delivery of the public realm work in Corporation Street.


2.   That approval of the final financial business case be delegated to the Service Director for Finance, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Chief Executive, to ensure the project demonstrates a positive return on investment, when compared with the do-nothing option, and provides value for money.


3.   That G F Tomlinson Building Limited be appointed as the principal contractor to deliver the construction works, subject to the sign-off of the final financial business case, the satisfactory completion of the pre-construction services agreement, and the final cost estimates falling within the agreed budget.


4.   That the Theatre Lane Car Park be closed to the public, to enable it to be used as a compound for the principal contractor for the duration of the construction works.




To ensure the principal contractor is appointed as soon as possible so that the Stephenson Memorial Hall project proceeds to time, and the building is restored and refurbished so that it can be enjoyed by the residents of and visitors to Chesterfield for many years to come.