Agenda item

Safer Streets initiative - benefits and efficiencies




1.           That the successful implementation of the Safer Streets project across the borough and the benefits realisation of that investment for the community be noted.


2.           That the Service Director for Leisure, Culture and Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Health and Wellbeing and Town Centres and Visitor Economy, be authorised to make changes in operational arrangements, to maximise the benefits and service efficiency opportunities, that can be made as a result of investment from the safer streets initiative, including the ability to react swiftly to changing operational demands.




1.           To recognise the benefits of the investment associated with the safer streets grant funded project.


2.           By authorising changes to operational arrangements that can be made as a result of the investment from the safer streets initiative, this would enable the Service Director to maximise the benefits and efficiencies of the safer streets investment, including having the ability to react swiftly to changing operational demands.



The Service Director for Leisure, Culture and Community Wellbeing presented a report on the Safer Streets Initiative, detailing the range of investments that had been delivered through the Government’s grant allocation.


The report also sought to delegate authority to the Service Director, in consultation with relevant Cabinet Members, to make changes to the council’s current operational arrangements, to maximise the outputs and outcomes that could be achieved as a result of the investments made through the Safer Streets Initiative.


The report provided background to the Council’s successful bid for funding from the Government’s Safer Streets – Round 2 initiative, which had enabled more than £350k investment to be made in a range of community safety initiatives.  The grant funding had been awarded based on the development of a local crime prevention plan in collaboration with Derbyshire Police, with the aim of reducing acquisitive crimes through situational prevention.


Under the stewardship of the Chesterfield Community Safety Partnership all the initiatives had been delivered in full and as a direct result there had been positive impacts in relation to community safety within the Queens Park and Chesterfield Town Centre.


Fresh investment had been made into the council’s CCTV system and

the improved technology would enable the service to review it’s current

operational staffing arrangements in relation to the management and

monitoring of CCTV data, and the ability to share CCTV footage with the






1.           That the successful implementation of the Safer Streets Initiative across Chesterfield borough and the benefits realisation of that investment for the community be noted.


2.           That the Service Director for Leisure, Culture and Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Health and Wellbeing and Town Centres and Visitor Economy, be authorised to make changes in operational arrangements, to maximise the benefits and service efficiency opportunities, arising as a result of investment from the Safer Streets Initiative, including the ability to react swiftly to changing operational demands.




1.           To recognise the benefits of the investment associated with the Safer Streets Initiative grant funded project.


2.           By authorising the Service Director to make changes to operational arrangements arising as a result of the investment from the Safer Streets Initiative, the benefits and efficiencies of the Safer Streets investment can be fully realised, including the ability to react swiftly to changing operational demands.


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