Agenda item

Cabinet, Committees and Overview and Scrutiny arrangements for 2023/24


Pursuant to Cabinet Minute No.106 (2022/23) the Service Director - Corporate presented a report seeking approval for the implementation of changes to the council’s decision-making and scrutiny structures in response to the outcomes of the Local Government Boundary Review.




1.      That the Cabinet be retained in its current form with a membership of 9 councillors


2.      That the role of Assistant Cabinet Member be deleted.


3.      That the Leader of the Council be invited to confirm her appointments to the various Cabinet Portfolios at the Annual Business Meeting.


4.      That the frequency of Cabinet be changed from every three weeks to monthly.


5.      That the following changes to Committee sizes be approved:


·        Planning Committee - reduce Planning Committee places from 15 to 12 (20% reduction).


·        Licensing Committee - reduce Licensing Committee places from 14 to 12 (15% reduction). Split between two groups rather than three.


·        Appeals and Regulatory Committee - reduce Appeals and Regulatory Committee places from 14 to 12 (15% reduction). Split between two groups rather than three.


6.      That the Council’s overview and scrutiny function be delivered by two new Scrutiny Select Committees with the division of responsibilities to be as per that documented in the report.


7.      That the revised list of outside bodies and the proposed allocation of places to each be approved.

Supporting documents: