Agenda item

Petitions to Council

To receive petitions submitted under Standing Order No. 13


(i) To receive petitions without discussion.


(ii) To debate the following petition received from Save the Café at Queen’s Park Sports Centre on 23 January, 2023: -


The petition contains in excess of 1,000 signatures; therefore it is referred to Council to be debated in accordance with the Council’s petition scheme and Standing Order No. 13


A representative, of the petition for Queen’s Park Café will attend Council to present the petition and answer questions.


In accordance with Standing Order No.13 Council debated the following petition from users and staff of the Queen’s Park Sports Centre café, which had been received on 23 January 2023.

The users and staff of the Queen’s Park Sports Centre café had petitioned Chesterfield Borough Council to save the café and the baristas’ jobs.


The petition contained in excess of 1,000 signatures; therefore, it was referred to Council to be debated in accordance with the Council’s petition scheme and Standing Order No.13.


Shelley Dale, representing users and staff at the Queen’s Park Sports Centre café presented the petition.




1.    That the Save the Café petitioners be thanked for submitting the petition to Chesterfield Borough Council.


2.    That Chesterfield Borough Council notes the petition and the matters raised in the petition debate by both the petition organiser and members of Council.


3.    That Council officers ensure that appropriate reference is made to the petition and matters raised in the petition debate within any final report prepared for the Council’s Cabinet on the future of Queen’s Park Sports Centre café.


4.     That the Council’s Cabinet, as the decision-making body with responsibility for such matters, take note of the petition and the matters raised in the petition debate when making any final decision on the future of Queen’s Park Sports Centre café.