Agenda item

Parks and Open Spaces Strategy (E000)




That the revised Parks and Open Spaces Strategy be recommended for adoption by Full Council.



The Leisure and Amenities Manager submitted a report to recommend for adoption a revised Parks and Open Spaces Strategy to satisfy statutory Planning obligations and to support delivery of the Council’s Core Strategy and corporate priorities for Chesterfield.


In response to the Council’s consultations on the Core Strategy and the Sites and Boundaries Development Plan Document, Sport England had identified that the Council did not have an up-to-date assessment of the need for open space, sports and recreation facilities, as required under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy was adopted by Full Council on 17 December 2014 and the Sports Facilities Strategy was recommended to Full Council by Cabinet on 13 January 2015.


Since the original Strategy was adopted in 2003, there had been significant capital invested in the Borough’s parks and open spaces. Publicly accessible land managed and maintained by the Council for recreation purposes had increased by 21%. Over 20 Friends of Parks Groups had also been established, who make a significant contribution to obtaining grant funding and organising events and activities.


To inform the development of the Strategy, an audit was carried out of the quantity of parks and open space provision across the Borough and the quality was assessed against the Green Flag criteria. The revised Strategy was drafted based on consultation and extensive research of best practice. It sets out the framework for a pragmatic and sustainable approach to parks provision.


The Strategy also sets out the framework within which the Council will seek to engage with funders, partners and communities in order to maximise the impact of the collective resources available to improve and sustain the quality of provision and improve outcomes such as reducing health inequalities.  It also provides a clear policy for the use of the Community Infrastructure Levy and for the adoption of new open space.


The recommendations of the Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, detailed at Minute No. 166, would be incorporated in the Strategy and action plan in advance of the Strategy being considered for adoption by Full Council.




That the revised Parks and Open Spaces Strategy be recommended for adoption by Full Council.




To provide a robust needs and evidence base relating to green space for the Council’s Core Strategy, to meet statutory planning requirements within the Local Development Framework.


To understand local community needs and to strategically plan and resource future plans through a recognised methodology being used to develop essential investment. This should maximise mitigation of the impact of austerity measures affecting public service responsibilities in both statutory and non-statutory provision.


To ensure that Chesterfield is sustained and developed both as a great destination, and a healthy and active place to live and work.


Supporting documents: