Agenda item

Executive Member for Environment - Allotments Strategy

5:30 – 5:50pm


The Sustainability Officer presented a report on the progress made on the implementation of the Allotment Strategy 2012-2016.


There were five objectives which were monitored via an Action Plan:

·        To cultivate the improved management of the Council’s allotment sites

·        To promote allotments as a benefit for the whole community

·        To highlight the role that allotments play in developing a more sustainable environment, encouraging biodiversity and conservation

·        To develop a health agenda for allotments, focusing on benefits, in terms of improving health in the borough

·        To review existing provision of allotments in Chesterfield and to seek to identify area of potential future allotment provision


The Sustainability Officer reported that the majority of the actions had now been implemented and the vast majority of the sites were being managed very well.


Inspections of the allotment sites had taken place in 2014 and there were follow-up visits planned for sites where asbestos had been identified. Members queried whether there was to be a regular schedule of inspections of the asbestos. The Sustainability Officer advised that these visits were follow-ups to the initial inspections to gather accurate information on where asbestos was located and its condition, as required under EU legislation. He advised that asbestos was safe if it was intact and could be left in place or taken, double bagged, to a waste and recycling centre.


A removal service was not offered, however if particular concerns were raised on a site and they had no ability to remove the asbestos themselves, the Council would assist where possible.


The Sustainability Officer also reported that the promotion of the allotments as a benefit to the whole community was being achieved through complimentary initiatives across the Council but a specific action plan for allotments had been delayed during the development of the revised Parks and Open Spaces Strategy.


Members queried whether there were any plans to improve the accessibility of the allotments for people with disabilities. The Sustainability Officer advised that access to all of the sites was deemed adequate during the inspections carried out in 2014. There was no budget to invest in infrastructure improvements at this time, however advice and support was available to the allotment associations for making their own improvements.


It was discussed that the allotment associations were able to access grants and charitable investments and partnered with other community organisations or services, such as the probation service, to advance community involvement.


Members were pleased to note the achievements made in improving biodiversity on allotment sites. The Sustainability Officer advised that Chesterfield Borough Council was recognised nationally for initiatives improving biodiversity and environmental sustainability. He reported that the Council was to host a national bees and pollinators conference, ‘Pollinating the Peaks’, in April 2015 which was already fully booked.


Members agreed that reducing grass cutting on verges surrounding allotments could improve biodiversity, reduce emissions and reduce costs.


Members asked about the policy for keeping chickens on allotments and whether charities or social enterprises could keep chickens as a way to generate income. The Sustainability Officer advised that the general policy was that up to five poultry could be kept on an allotment and the site was not to be used for commercial purposes. Charitable or social enterprise schemes may be allowed to keep more poultry and to generate income. It was discussed that charitable or social enterprise schemes could promote community involvement and social interaction.


The Committee also discussed whether there was potential for surplus produce from allotments to be shared with other community organisations. The Sustainability Officer advised that there does not tend to be much surplus produce as this would usually be shared amongst the community already.


The Committee thanked the Sustainability Officer for presenting the report and answering the Committee’s questions.




(1)         That the progress made on the implementation of the strategy be supported.


(2)         That a further progress report be received in 12 months.

Supporting documents: