Agenda item

Budget Monitoring for 2015/16 and Updated Medium Term Financial Plan




That it be recommended to Full Council:


(1)            That the budget monitoring report for the four months to the end of July 2015 be noted.


(2)            That short term prudential borrowing be approved in principle at this stage to cover any capital funding deficit caused by the delays in generating capital receipts. 


(3)            That the proposed use of reserves as set out in the report be approved.


(4)            That the updated medium term forecast, risks and savings targets be noted.


(5)            That the 2016/17 budget preparation guidelines be approved.


(6)            That the proposed approach to budget consultation be approved.


(7)            That the proposed short and medium term actions to address the forecast revenue budget deficits in 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 be supported.



The Chief Finance Officer submitted a report outlining budget variances in the current financial year, highlighting budget issues and providing an update on the medium term financial forecast. A number of measures were also proposed to tackle the forecast deficit positions in the short and medium-term.




That it be recommended to Full Council:


(1)            That the budget monitoring report for the four months to the end of July 2015 be noted.


(2)            That short term prudential borrowing be approved in principle at this stage to cover any capital funding deficit caused by the delays in generating capital receipts. 


(3)            That the proposed use of reserves as set out in the report be approved.


(4)            That the updated medium term forecast, risks and savings targets be noted.


(5)            That the 2016/17 budget preparation guidelines be approved.


(6)            That the proposed approach to budget consultation be approved.


(7)            That the proposed short and medium term actions to address the forecast revenue budget deficits in 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 be supported.




To maintain strategic oversight of the Council’s finances.

Supporting documents: