Agenda item

Review of Cemeteries Fees and Charges for 2016/17




That the revised fees and charges for cemeteries, as detailed at appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved and implemented from 1 April, 2016.




To set the cemeteries fees and charges for 2016/17 and encourage increased use of the cemetery service.


The Interim Environmental Services Manager submitted a report recommending for approval the proposed fees and charges for the Council’s cemeteries to take effect from 1 April, 2016.


The fees and charges proposals had taken into account:


·        Cabinet’s decision to increase cemeteries fees and charges to better reflect the cost of providing the service and to improve the standard of the management of the cemeteries (Minute No 159 (2013/14)).

·        The need for the service to reduce the subsidy received and to move closer towards full cost recovery.

·        A comparison of fees and charges made by other authorities in the surrounding areas, so that fees should remain competitive and affordable.

·        The need for the Council to achieve a balanced budget.

·        The current condition of the cemeteries.


The options of leaving the charges unchanged or introducing lower increases were ruled out as the proposed increases in the charges were required to deliver a balanced and sustainable budget.




That the revised fees and charges for cemeteries, as detailed at appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved and implemented from 1 April, 2016.




To set the cemeteries fees and charges for 2016/17 and encourage increased use of the cemetery service.

Supporting documents: