Agenda item

Petitions to Council

To receive Petitions submitted under Standing Order No.13


(i)      To receive petitions without discussion.


(ii)      To debate the following petition received from the Chesterfield Liberal Democrats on 20 November, 2015: -


The Chesterfield Liberal Democrats petition Chesterfield Borough Council not to sell the Ashgate Road car park.


The petition contains in excess of 1,000 signatures; therefore it is referred to Council to be debated in accordance with the Council’s petition scheme and Standing Order No. 13


A representative, of the Chesterfield Liberal Democrats will attend Council to present the petition and answer questions.



In accordance with Standing Order No.13 Council debated the following petition from Chesterfield Liberal Democrats received on 20 November, 2015: -


The Chesterfield Liberal Democrats petition Chesterfield Borough Council not to sell the Ashgate Road car park.


The petition contained in excess of 1,000 signatures; therefore it was referred to Council to be debated in accordance with the Council’s petition scheme and Standing Order No.13.


Councillor Maureen Davenport, representing Chesterfield Liberal Democrats presented the petition and answered Member’s questions.




1.   That the Council receives and notes the petition submitted by the Chesterfield Liberal Democrats in relation to the Council’s proposals to sell the Ashgate Road car park.


2.   That the Cabinet Member for Planning takes the following matters into account before coming to a final decision on the proposed sale of the Ashgate Road car park and associated premises at 6 Ashgate Road, Chesterfield:


(a)     the petition and also the representations made at the Council meeting;


(b)     the site’s longstanding allocation for housing development in the Chesterfield Local Plans of 1996 and 2006 and the Local Plan Core Strategy of 2013;


(c)     the Council’s current inability to demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites and the additional pressure this places on the Council to grant permission for housing on greenfield sites;


(d)     the opportunities that exist within the planning system to potentially secure measures to manage the impact of any proposed housing development at this site on on-street parking;


(e)     the availability of off-street parking at other edge of town centre car parks with the capacity to accommodate extra cars at prices suited to attract commuters.