Agenda item

Local Plan: Sites and Boundaries Development Plan document and approval of Local Development Scheme (J010)





That the Council cease production of a separate Local Plan Sites and Boundaries Development Plan Document (DPD) and also the Staveley and Rother Valley Corridor Area Action Plan.



That the Council prepare a new Local Plan that will replace the existing Local Plan Core Strategy and the DPDs proposed in the Council’s Local Development Scheme 5.



That the Council adopt and publish a new Local Development Scheme 6 setting out the timetable and arrangements for preparing a new Local Plan.



That a Local Plan board be set up to provide oversight of the preparation of the Local Plan; the board’s membership to comprise the Executive Member for Planning, the Shadow Member for Planning and the Chair of Planning Committee.




The Development and Growth Manager submitted a report to advise on the progress with the Local Plan: Sites and Boundaries Development Plan Document and to propose the future timetable and arrangements for producing the Local Plan.


The Council’s Local Development Scheme, published in 2012, had stated that a Local Plan would be prepared with the following Development Plan Documents (DPDs):


·                        Core Strategy

·                        Sites and Boundaries

·                        Staveley Area Action Plan


The Core Strategy was adopted in 2013 however the Sites and Boundaries DPD and the Staveley Area Action Plan had been postponed due to the delay in receiving key evidence such as new household projections. There had also been changes in the circumstances of the Borough, including its relationship to the Local Economic Partnerships and City Regions. 


It was proposed that the Council ceased production on the separate Sites and Boundaries DPD and the Staveley Area Action Plan.  Instead a partial review of the existing Core Strategy would be undertaken and a single, new Local Plan would be prepared for the Borough that incorporates the Strategic and Development Management Policies, Site Allocations and proposals for the Regeneration of Staveley Works. It was accepted that the existing Core Strategy needed to be revised in terms of the overall spatial strategy, in particular housing targets. It was therefore felt that there would be cost and efficiency savings in incorporating the separate documents.


The proposed change required the publication of a new Local Development Scheme for the Borough, setting out a public statement of the Council’s programme for producing the Local Plan. It was anticipated that the new Local Plan would be adopted by December 2016. The existing Local Plan would continue to apply until such time as a new Local Plan was adopted.






That the Council cease production of a separate Local Plan Sites and Boundaries Development Plan Document (DPD) and also the Staveley and Rother Valley Corridor Area Action Plan.



That the Council prepare a new Local Plan that will replace the existing Local Plan Core Strategy and the DPDs proposed in the Council’s Local Development Scheme 5.



That the Council adopt and publish a new Local Development Scheme 6 setting out the timetable and arrangements for preparing a new Local Plan.



That a Local Plan board be set up to provide oversight of the preparation of the Local Plan; the board’s membership to comprise the Executive Member for Planning, the Shadow Member for Planning and the Chair of Planning Committee.





To ensure that resources will be targeted at preparing a sound Local Plan.


In order to put in place a sound Local Plan with a five year supply of deliverable housing sites in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


To comply with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


To ensure effective project management and oversight of the Local Plan process.


Supporting documents: