Agenda item

Northern Gateway Revised Scheme Proposals


Pursuant to Joint Cabinet and Employment and General Committee Minute No.17 the Economic Growth Manager submitted a report to update Council on the progress of the Northern Gateway scheme and to seek approval for the development of revised proposals to move the scheme forward.




1.   That a full business case for the proposals as outlined in the officer’s report be submitted to the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority.


2.   That a SCRIF (Sheffield City Region Investment Fund), grant funding agreement with Sheffield City Region be entered into, and that match-funding from Chesterfield Borough Council (currently estimated to be £3.57million), be approved.


3.   That the revised Northern Gateway scheme, as detailed in the officer officer’s report be approved and implemented.


4.   That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, Leader of the Council and Chief Finance Officer, in conjunction with the Economic Growth Manager to progress with the delivery arrangements for the revised Northern Gateway scheme, subject to the confirmation of the SCRIF grant.


5.   That the update to the Treasury Management Prudential Indicators be approved.


6.   That approval be granted to progress with Option 1, as detailed in the officer’s report, to advance the re-development of the former Co-op building, and that delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, Leader of the Council and Chief Finance Officer, in conjunction with the Economic Growth Manager, to finalise the agreements.


7.   That the £100,000 previously set aside to finance the external procurement process for development partners from the Service Improvement Reserve be used to support the creation of a new Project Management post to lead on delivery of the revised Northern Gateway scheme.