Agenda item

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning - Progress on the Council Plan - Year 1 - 2015/16

5:05pm to 5:25pm


The Deputy Leader and Policy and Communications Manager attended to provide members with a progress report on the Council Plan for Year 1, 2015/16.


The Policy and Communications Manager informed Members that moving from a 1 year Council Plan to a 4 year Council Plan had achieved a positive effect with 85% of commitments for Year 1 being fully delivered with a further 2 close to completion. The 34 projects for 2015/16 were included as an appendix to the report and the Policy and Communications Manager noted that many of the projects were going above and beyond the mandatory requirements of the Council.


Members asked if there had been a noticeable impact since the introduction of a risk assessment on all housing applications. The Policy and Communications Manager responded that the restructure within the Housing Solutions and Neighbourhoods teams had given more resources to focus on tenancy sustainment and supporting council tenants. The introduction of Universal Credit and changes to housing benefits for under-25s would further affect the tenancy sustainment rates but the new structure had put the council in a stronger position to tackle those challenges.


Members commented that the Council had performed well, delivering on several big projects alongside running the day-to-day Council operations. However, concerns were raised regarding key project no. 30, the consultation on options for the former Queen Park’s Sports Centres’ land, as asbestos had been discovered unexpectedly and had delayed work. Members suggested that when scoping work, officer’s need to ensure that they have explored all hidden costs before announcing that a saving would be made.


Of the commitments for 2016/17, Members asked which 3 carried the biggest risks. The Policy and Communications Manager replied that the 3 biggest risks would be:


·        Sheffield City Region as the combined authority was linked to several projects in Chesterfield. Chesterfield Borough Council was applying to be a full constituent member, but there was a level of uncertainty regarding Sheffield City Region’s involvement with the projects if it failed in its application.


·        £29million investment in Council Housing Stock – there were concerns with maintaining the level of investment in future years.


·        Outdoor market – the costs involved in the reconfiguration were higher than anticipated and the project was on hold.


Members enquired about progress on the Co-op development. The Deputy Leader reported that the development was unlikely to progress any further until the restaurants on the ground floor had been let. A gym had shown interest in occupying the basement and there was a hotel interested in using the upstairs floors. Members also raised concerns over the uncertain status of the BHS store on Vicar Lane. The Policy and Communications Manager noted that business lettings were still doing better than the previous year and there was approximately 91% occupancy across all the units in the town centre. The Deputy Leader added that as Vicar Lane is owned by a private company, the Council  receives only 10% of the rental from the units on Vicar Lane.


Members asked if the major developments in the town centre would include a varied combination of units, e.g. retail, restaurants etc. The Deputy Leader explained that the Northern Gateway project would involve mostly housing to increase the amount of people living in the town centre and raise customer levels for the new and existing businesses.


Members had concerns that the area of town between Stephenson Place and Marks and Spencers, and in particular the Victoria Centre, was run down and not thriving. The Deputy Leader advised that the Victoria Centre was owned privately and the owners spent little on maintenance. The Policy and Communications Manager added that Chesterfield town centre was maintaining its position compared to other towns in the family group that included Mansfield and Worksop.


Members thanked the Deputy Leader and Policy and Communications Manager for presenting the progress report and answering their questions.




1.   That the progress report be noted.


2.   That the Deputy Leader and Policy and Communications Manager be invited to the November meeting of the Overview and Performance Scrutiny Forum to provide a progress report on the implementation of the Council Plan.

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