Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing - Green Spaces

5:30 – 5:50pm


Verbal report


The Green Spaces Development Officer attended to provide a report on how the council’s green spaces were being used by residents of the borough and on how the green spaces were being managed by the council. It was noted by the Chair that this item had been added to the committee’s work programme as the committee were keen to examine how the council were maximising the use of its green spaces in order to meet one of the key objectives of the Council Plan which was to improve the quality of life for local people by improving their health and well-being.


The Green Spaces Development Officer advised that while there were currently no capital investments for green spaces planned by Chesterfield Borough Council, there were still numerous grants being received from a diverse range of sources including the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Landfill Tax which were allowing investment in green spaces to be made. It was also noted that investigations were being made into accessing grants from money raised by the 5p plastic bag levy. Members were informed that the friends of group at the King George V Playing Fields, Staveley had been successful in accessing grants from the Big Lottery Fund and that the money received was being used to hold activities at the site as well as being used to develop the group so it could engage with a larger number of local residents.


Members were provided with a comprehensive list of activities happening at the parks and green spaces across the borough, which were being run by both the council and by friends of groups. Activities included tree and bulb planting, Sports Relief events, walking football, whippet racing at Poolsbrook Country Park as well as a wide range of summer holiday activities. The Green Spaces Development Officer noted that these activities were being participated in by a wide demographic of residents across the borough.


Members noted with approval the wide range of activities being offered. The Green Spaces Development Officer advised that many of these including the whippet racing club and the ladies netball league also provided a good source of revenue for the council. Members asked how the council was working with friends of groups to ensure that they were able to access as much funding as was possible, as  it appeared that participation, and the subsequent success of friends groups in obtaining funding and grants, was higher in more affluent areas of the borough. The Green Spaces Development Officer advised that work was being carried out to improve participation and engagement in friends of groups in the more deprived areas in order to address this concern.


Members asked how it was decided which parks and green spaces were targeted to receive funding and grants. The Green Spaces Development Officer advised that there was a focus on the more deprived areas of the borough, but if grants or funding were available they would be pursued actively for whichever part of the borough they would benefit.


The Green Spaces Development Officer also noted that engagement work was being carried with allotment associations as it was acknowledged that allotments had not only a positive effect on health and wellbeing but also on community cohesion.  


Members thanked the Green Spaces Development Officer for attending and for providing a comprehensive progress report and service overview.




1.   That the progress report be noted.


2.   That the Health and Wellbeing Manager be invited to the December, 2016 meeting of the Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee in order for the committee to receive further information about his role and his priorities for coordinating the council’s approach to health and wellbeing.