Agenda item

Public Questions to the Council

To receive questions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order No. 12.


Question submitted by Mr Max Kerley:


“The Sheffield City Region devolution deal includes an elected mayor for the region and this is very unpopular with Chesterfield residents. Given the recent announcement from the Prime Minister’s office that devolution deals are now not necessarily dependent on the inclusion of an elected mayor, will CBC now reverse its decision to join the SCR and support a Derbyshire devolution deal which will still provide access to devolved funding, which will build on long-established administrative structures and mechanisms but which does not require ceding power over Chesterfield issues to the elected mayor in Sheffield?”


Under Standing Order No.12 Mr Max Kerley asked the following question:


“The Sheffield City Region devolution deal includes an elected mayor for the region and this is very unpopular with Chesterfield residents. Given the recent announcement from the Prime Minister’s office that devolution deals are now not necessarily dependent on the inclusion of an elected mayor, will CBC now reverse its decision to join the SCR and support a Derbyshire devolution deal which will still provide access to devolved funding, which will build on long-established administrative structures and mechanisms but which does not require ceding power over Chesterfield issues to the elected mayor in Sheffield?”


The Leader provided a verbal response to the question as well as to Mr Kerley’s supplementary question.