Agenda item

Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration - Report on Northern Gateway

5:05 to 5:20pm


Verbal report and background documents


The Economic Growth Manager attended to provide a progress report on the implementation of recommendations following the approval of the Northern Gateway Revised Options by Council on 27 July, 2016.


The Economic Growth Manager noted the different components of the scheme, the costs involved in the redevelopment and the estimated number of jobs that would be created upon completion. The scheme would include refurbishment of the Saltergate multi-storey car park (MSCP), public realm improvements on Elder Way and creation of a managed office space on part of the Holywell Cross car park. Planning permission had been granted for the change of use and internal refurbishment of the former Co-op department store which also formed part of the scheme. The Co-op re-development would be undertaken by the private sector company Jomast Developments Ltd and work was estimated to start in February, 2017.


The revised options for the Northern Gateway project involved developing the scheme into two phases; talks were in motion with the third party landowners regarding the second phase which would involve land to the north of the site. Details of the second phase did not form part of the report approved by Council in July, 2016.


In addition to Elder Way, the Economic Growth Manager advised that the public realm works would also involve improvements to the black and white buildings along Knifesmithgate. Talks were in motion with English Heritage regarding potential support and grants that may be available to fund the restorative works.


A Project Manager post had been created and interviews for the post took place in early October, 2016. A Project Team had been established and meetings had taken place in August and September, 2016. Following a procurement exercise, interviews were due to take place in October, 2016 for contractors to carry out the refurbishment works on the MSCP. Work had also been undertaken to start the commission process for architects for the new office space on Holywell Cross car park. Work was also being undertaken with the University of Derby to ensure the right support was given to new and innovative business in Chesterfield.


Members asked if the restoration work to the black and white buildings would only affect the frontages of the buildings. The Economic Growth Manager replied that the Victoria Centre was privately owned and the owner was making some internal changes. The work being considered as part of the Northern Gateway scheme would involve only the facades of the buildings.


Members asked if there was a start date for work to commence on the MSCP. The Economic Growth Manager answered that it was anticipated that work would begin before Christmas however it was hoped that the MSCP would remain open for the Christmas period to provide parking provision.


Members raised concerns about criticism from the public when projects took a long time to complete. The Economic Growth Manager replied that the Northern Gateway project was still on schedule however some other schemes could be reliant on the commercial economic environment which may cause delays. It was suggested that a bulletin for Members with regular updates on regeneration projects could be a useful tool.


Members asked if the creation of the office space on the Holywell Cross car park would affect the number of parking spaces. The Economic Growth Manager advised that there would be a loss of some car parking spaces on the surface car park; however, following the completion of the refurbishment of the MSCP, the overall number of spaces would increase. In addition, the security of the MSCP would be improved and provide better provision for hotel users and people using the town centre at night.


Members asked if the public realm works on Elder Way would involve the relocation of the taxi rank and also raised concerns about the noise levels from the buses for people sat outside at cafés and restaurants. The Economic Growth Manager replied that they were looking into options to create the extra pavement space that was needed to improve access into the town centre. Conversations would be held with Stagecoach and the transport link with the train station would be looked at to see what could be improved. Members felt it would be beneficial to have a linked transport network in the future.


Members thanked the Economic Growth Manager for attending the meeting and providing the report.




That the progress be noted and the future plans for the Northern Gateway scheme be supported.