Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Town Centre and Visitor Economy - Future use of the former Queens Park Sports Centre

5:45 to 6:00pm


Verbal report


The Cabinet Member for Town Centre and Visitor Economy and the Executive Director, Michael Rich, attended to provide Members with an update on the progress made regarding the future use of the former Queens Park Sports Centre (QPSC).


The Executive Director advised that planning permission for the demolition of the former QPSC had been approved and the Council was currently out to tender for contractors to carry out the work. The demolition would take place in two stages, the removal of asbestos followed by landscaping, and contractors were being sought to either provide one of the stages or both of them.


Following the approval of planning permission, the public consultation had begun on the future use of the former QPSC. It was hoped that more than one option would be put to the public however it had been difficult to identify multiple options. The principles that the option had been based on took into account the heritage of the park, planning constraints, finances, likely use and evidence of demand.


No decisions had been made and suggestions from the public consultation would be considered. However, some options had been deemed unsuitable for the following reasons:


·        Housing – not an appropriate location and strong opposition

·        Ice rink – no catchment

·        Car parking – already enough provision

·        Food and drink – detracts from town centre

·        Cultural venue – would work well but requires a subsidy/grant

·        Put on the market – lose potential income

·        Extend park – adds to cost and does not provide income

·        Outdoor play area – not had a convincing business case


The preferred option that was put to the public in the consultation was for two 3G all weather sports pitches. The consultation included an on-line survey and questionnaire, and events had taken place at the college’s fresher’s fair and on the Market. There had been a good response to the consultation so far with suggested options received from the respondents that could be looked at.


The next steps involved the development of business cases followed by formal decision making and a planning process with strong project management.


The Executive Director noted potential ways scrutiny could be involved during and after the consultation period and throughout the implementation of the project.


The Cabinet Member for Town Centre and Visitor Economy noted that the preferred option of the playing pitches would be influenced by the sports that would be using them. In addition, it was important to fulfil health and wellbeing ideals and reach out to marginal groups.


Members advised that they wanted to work closely on the next stage as they felt it was important to get the next steps right and follow on from the success of the new QPSC. There was a Scrutiny Project Group due to start in January 2016 and it was requested that a dialogue be kept open in order to get a positive scrutiny review.


The Executive Director noted that there was a decision on the forward plan for mid-December on the consultation however that was the earliest date a decision could be taken and it was more likely to be moved to early in the new year. The Executive Director added that a report on the responses to the consultation could be brought to the Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee as soon as possible after the consultation had finished.




1)   That a progress report on the consultation on the future of the old Queen’s Park Sports Centre be brought to the meeting of the Enterprise and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee on 6 December, 2016 and that Cllrs Catt and Sarvent be invited to the pre-agenda for that meeting on 14 November, 2016 to co-ordinate plans for the Scrutiny Project Group.