Agenda item

Changes to Council Housing Tenancy Agreement




1.   That the proposed changes to the Council Housing Tenancy Agreement, as outlined in Appendix 2 to the officer’s report, be approved.


2.   That authority be granted to the Housing Manager to consult with tenants on the proposed changes to the Council Housing Tenancy Agreement, and to serve the preliminary notice of variation.


3.   That a further report be brought to Cabinet by January 2018 following the completion of the consultation process.




1.   To make changes to the Tenancy Agreement that will help to contribute to the delivery of a balanced and sustainable Housing Revenue Account, with the aim of it being self-financing in the future.


2.   To support increased working with tenants through the Customer Engagement Strategy and direct consultation with tenants on proposals.


3.   To support the Council’s Vision and Priorities within the Council Plan to improve the quality of life for local people.





The Housing Manager submitted a report recommending for approval the proposed changes to the Council Housing Tenancy Agreement, to come into effect on 1 April 2018.


The Cabinet was made aware of the process leading up to this report, including the introduction of a Steering Group in July 2016, to consider the implications for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan of national housing policy changes, and to make recommendations as to how the implications of these could be mitigated.


It was reported that in December 2016, the Steering Group made the following recommendations, aimed at mitigating the worsening financial position within the HRA:

·        A £500,000 reduction in the responsive repairs budget in 2017/18 and in each of the following two financial years, after which the budget will be increased by inflation (CPI)

·        A reduced and re-phased capital programme

·        Moving from collecting rent on a 48 week basis to a 52 week basis and that consultation on this and other changes to the tenancy agreement takes place during 2017/18

·        Mitigating income loss through rent arrears and empty properties


In April 2017, a separate series of working groups comprising tenants, officers and elected members were established to consider how these savings could be realised.  Recommendations included:

·        Reviewing tenant repairing obligations, and tenants taking more responsibility for their own repairs and damage

·        Reviewing repair response times

·        Reviewing void standards and undertaking work after a property has been re-let as part of the Housing Capital Programme

·        Adopting a standard approach to the removal of the previous tenants’ fixtures and fittings


These working groups also considered other changes required to the Tenancy Agreement to ensure that it remained current and fit for purpose.  The final proposed changes were set out in Appendix 3 to the officer’s report.

The Housing Manager reported that following Cabinet approval, tenants would be served with preliminary notices of variation to the Tenancy Agreement, and a consultation would take place for a period of 28 days between October and November.  A progress report on the outcome of this is expected to be brought to a meeting of the Cabinet in January 2018.




1.   That the proposed changes to the Council Housing Tenancy Agreement, as outlined in Appendix 2 to the officer’s report, be approved.


2.   That authority be granted to the Housing Manager to consult with tenants on the proposed changes to the Council Housing Tenancy Agreement, and to serve the preliminary notice of variation.


3.   That a further report be brought to Cabinet by January 2018 following the completion of the consultation process.




1.   To make changes to the Tenancy Agreement that will help to contribute to the delivery of a balanced and sustainable Housing Revenue Account, with the aim of it being self-financing in the future.


2.   To support increased working with tenants through the Customer Engagement Strategy and direct consultation with tenants on proposals.


3.   To support the Council’s Vision and Priorities within the Council Plan to improve the quality of life for local people.







Supporting documents: