Agenda item

Scrutiny Project Groups Progress Updates

6.25 pm – Report from Friends’ Groups Scrutiny Project Group (appendices previously distributed with 24 January, 2017 agenda)


Pursuant to Minute No. 34 (Community, Customer and Organisational Scrutiny Committee 2016/17) Councillor Caulfield, Scrutiny Project Group Lead Member, presented the Scrutiny Project Group’s revised report on Friends Groups to the Committee, taking account of the need for further investigation of financial and resource implications where necessary.


The project group had been set up to look at how friends groups worked with the Council to improve local parks and open spaces. The report detailed the objectives of the review, its findings and analysis, including a survey of all the friends groups and research of related documents used by other authorities, and its recommendations.


The Committee recognised the contribution of friends groups to looking after parks and open spaces.


The Chair thanked Councillor Caulfield and the members of the project group for the group’s work and report.




That the recommendations of the Scrutiny Project Group’s review of friends groups as detailed below be approved to be recommended to Cabinet:


(1)         That an up-to-date data base of friends of groups contacts is maintained by officers and that all friends of groups are given defined points of contact at the council to facilitate streamlined, effective and accountable channels of communication between groups and the council.


(2)         That the Friends of Groups information pack is reviewed and updated to provide:


·        Guidance on developing a new group or joining an existing group


·        Guidance on developing aims, constitutions, management committees and financial arrangements


·        Advice and tips for key management committee roles including the chair, secretary and treasurer


·        Tips for keeping the members of the friends of group, local community and council updated including social media and links to council publications, social media and websites


·        Basic insurance and risk management advice


·        Advice on developing an action plan


·        Templates and examples of key documents to assist groups


·        Where to go for help and support including Chesterfield Borough Council and Links CVS


(3)         That an annual survey with Friends Groups be carried out to collect information on their activities and achievements to enable the council to see how their work is contributing  to the delivery of the council’s objectives, as  set out in the Parks and Open Spaces Strategy.


(4)         That the council encourage and support friends of groups to develop a plan for their park or open space. This plan should be developed in consultation with both the council and the local community and should clearly set out both the group’s and council’s role in developing the park or open space.


(5)         That in addition to the support within recommendations 2 and 3, the council’s policy and communications service work with the green spaces team and friends of groups to develop case study material for Chesterfield Borough Council led promotional opportunities including Your Chesterfield (the Council’s magazine that goes to all homes in Chesterfield borough), the website and social media channels.


(6)         That a bi-annual friends groups’ forum is re-established to share key messages, best practice, increase networking and support and to enable the work of the friends groups to be shared and celebrated with a wider audience.


(7)         That a working group be established to assist with the delivery of the recommendations within the report.

Supporting documents: