Agenda item

Housing Repairs Budget 2018/19




1.   That the Housing Repairs Budget of £8.473m for 2018/19, as set out in Appendix 1 to the officer’s report, be approved.


2.   That, pursuant to Cabinet Minute No.148 (2016/17), the Housing Repairs Budget for 2019/20 be further decreased by £500k, after which it will be set in accordance with an increase in the rate of inflation (CPI).


3.   That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director - Commercial Services to transfer funds between responsive repairs budget heads in order to effectively manage and respond to fluctuations in tenant-led, or weather dependent repairs.




1.   To permit the required maintenance of the Housing Stock.


2.   To contribute to the delivery of a balanced and sustainable Housing Revenue Account, which is self-financing in the longer term.


3.   To support the Council’s vision and priorities within the Council Plan.


The Assistant Director – Housing submitted a report recommending for approval the Housing Repairs Budget for 2018/19.


The report noted that extensive reviews had been undertaken to ensure a cost-effective approach to delivering future housing repairs and maintenance programmes, and to mitigate the implications of changes in national housing and welfare policy on the financial viability of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan.


In light of the increased provision within the Housing Capital Investment Programme, and tenants taking greater responsibility for their own repairs, the Assistant Director – Housing recommended that the Housing Repairs Budget be decreased by £500k in 2018/19, and by a further £500k in 2019/20.




1.   That the Housing Repairs Budget of £8.473m for 2018/19, as set out in Appendix 1 to the officer’s report, be approved.


2.   That, pursuant to Cabinet Minute No.148 (2016/17), the Housing Repairs Budget for 2019/20 be further decreased by £500k, after which it will be set in accordance with an increase in the rate of inflation (CPI).


3.   That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director - Commercial Services to transfer funds between responsive repairs budget heads in order to effectively manage and respond to fluctuations in tenant-led, or weather dependent repairs.




1.   To permit the required maintenance of the Housing Stock.


2.   To contribute to the delivery of a balanced and sustainable Housing Revenue Account, which is self-financing in the longer term.


3.   To support the Council’s vision and priorities within the Council Plan.

Supporting documents: