Committee details

Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy

Purpose of committee

The Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy is able to make individual Cabinet Member decisions on delegated matters as detailed in the Council’s Constitution. A summary of the responsibilities of this post is below, for full details visit Part 3 of the Constitution.


Responsibilities include:


·      Chesterfield town centre masterplan (with Deputy Leader)

·      Town centre management including Staveley, Chatsworth Road and other district shopping centres

·      Stephenson Memorial Hall cultural quarter project

·      Markets improvement project

·      Markets

·      Car parking

·      CCTV and pavements security

·      Chesterfield theatres (winding wheel and pomegranate theatre) and museums

·      Visitor economy strategy

·      Visitor information centre

·      Festivals and events


Contact information

Support officer: Emily Taylor. 01246 345236