Committee details

Cabinet Member for Economic Growth

Purpose of committee

The Cabinet Member for Economic Growth is able to make individual Cabinet Member decisions on delegated matters as detailed in the Council’s Constitution. A summary of the responsibilities of this post is below, for full details visit Part 3 of the Constitution.


Responsibilities include:


·      Growth strategy

·      Housing strategy (with cabinet member for housing)

·      Key sites delivery (with leader)

­   Chesterfield Waterside

­   Staveley works corridor

­   High speed rail 2

·      Key sites delivery

­   Northern Gateway

­   Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle (DRIIVe)

­   Markham Vale

­   Peak Resort

­   Walton works

·      Inward investment

·      Business start-ups and growth

·      Asset management – commercial and operational estate excluding town hall refurbishment project

·      Local Plan

·      Planning – development and control

·      Conservation


Contact information

Support officer: Graham Ibberson. 01246 345229