Issue - decisions

Budget Monitoring Report Period 5

18/09/2017 - Budget Monitoring Report Period 5

The Senior Accounting Technician submitted a report on the Period 5 Budget Monitoring position as at the end of August 2015.


It was noted that the budget was currently showing a favourable profiled variance of £62,490 and this was detailed in the following:


·        Employee costs

·        Premises costs

·        Transport

·        Supplies and Services

·        Income


It was anticipated that the outturn for the year would be better than the originally forecasted budget.  All the above issues were to be taken into account when the revised budget is prepared and presented to the Committee.


It was also reported that that the Chapel Refurbishment Project was nearing completion, with total expenditure projected to be £187K.  The Committee heard that a final decision regarding the re-surfacing of the area near the Chapel exit needed to be made, and that different options and their costing would be presented to the Committee at the next possible meeting.


The Commercial Services Manager advised the Committee that further research and monitoring would be carried out to more clearly ascertain the benefits of the Council forming and operating a separate company for Crematorium services.




That the report be noted.




To keep the Joint Committee informed about the financial performance of the Crematorium.