Issue - decisions

Annual HRA Rent and Service Charge Setting 2018-19

09/01/2018 - Annual HRA Rent and Service Charge Setting 2018/19



1.   That for 2018/19, approval be given to set individual social rents based on the current National Social Rent Policy, giving a cash rent decrease of 1 per cent with effect from 1 April 2018.


2.   That for 2018/19 onwards, approval be given to increase the rent level for a social rent property to the target rent, where the property is re-let to a new or transferring tenant.


3.   That for 2018/19 onwards, approval be given to set individual affordable rents based on the current National Social Rent Policy, giving a cash rent decrease of 1 per cent with effect from 1 April 2018.


4.   That for 2018/19 onwards, approval be given to set the rent level of an affordable rent property that is re-let to a new or transferring tenant, by reference to 80% of the market rent for a similar property prevailing at the time of re-letting.


5.   That the revised levels of service charges as set out in paragraph 8.5 of the officer’s report, be approved.




1.   To enable the Council to set the level of Council house rents in accordance with Government guidelines.


2.   To enable the Council to set service charges for 2018/19 and to ensure that the cost of delivering services continues to break even.


3.   To contribute to the Council’s Corporate Priority ‘to improve the quality of life for local people’.