Issue - decisions

Update on the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield scheme

21/07/2021 - Update on the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield scheme



1.    That the draft Vision Master Plan, the associated supporting material and approach for public consultation be approved.


2.    That the Service Director – Economic Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy, be granted delegated authority to make amendments and corrections to the draft Vision Master Plan and associated supporting material to make it ready for public consultation.


3.    That following the public consultation, the final draft version of the Revitalising the Heart of Chesterfield Vision Master Plan and project delivery plan be presented to Cabinet for further consideration and approval.




1.    To enable consultation to be undertaken on the draft Vision Master Plan in accordance with the Council’s published Statement of Community Involvement and Communications and Engagement Strategy.


2.    To allow for minor amendments prior to consultation to finalise the consultation material.


3.    To inform the final draft version of the master plan following consultation and development of the project delivery plan for future Cabinet consideration.