Issue - decisions

2022-23 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan

22/02/2022 - 2021-22 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan



That it be recommended to Full Council that:


1.    The updated forecast outturn for 2021/22 which presents a small surplus, as detailed in section 4.9 of the officer’s report, be approved.


2.    Any under spend in respect of 2021/22 be used to supplement the Budget Risk reserve, as detailed in section 4.10 of the officer’s report.


3.    The overall revenue budget summary for 2022/23, as detailed in Appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved.


4.    The 2022/23 Council Tax Requirement and financing, as detailed in Appendix D of the officer’s report, be approved.


5.    The Council’s share of Council Tax for properties in each band be increased on the basis of a £5 increase for a Band ‘D’ property in 2022/23, as detailed in section 4.46 of the officer’s report.


6.    All Band A to D Council Taxpayers will receive a payment of £150.00 towards the cost of their Council Tax bills and that a discretionary amount of funding will also be available to support some Council Taxpayers living in Band E to H properties, for which the details of the scheme are yet to be finalised.


7.    The Local Council Tax Support scheme which remains unchanged for 2022/23, as detailed in section 4.50 of the officer’s report, be approved.


8.    The use of the capital receipts flexibility to fund the costs of the Organisational Development Programme, as detailed in section 4.58 of the officer’s report, be approved.


9.    The Collection Fund and the Tax Base forecasts as detailed in section 4.48 and 4.49 of the officer’s report, be noted.


10.  The financial projections in the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) for 2023/24 to 2025/26, as detailed in section 4.53 of the officer’s report, be noted.


11.  The estimates of reserves including maintaining the General Working Balance at £1.5m, as detailed in sections 4.63-4.65 and Appendix B of the officer’s report, be approved.


12.  The extension to the scope of the Service Redesign Reserve to support future service improvements promoted through the Organisational Development programme, as detailed in section 4.60 of the officer’s report, be approved.


13.  The budget risks and sensitivity analysis (Appendix C) and the Chief Finance Officer’s assurances (sections 4.66 – 4.78), as detailed in Appendix C and sections 4.66-4.78 of the officer’s report, be noted.




In order to meet the statutory requirements relating to setting the General Fund revenue budget and the level of Council Tax for 2022/23.