Issue - decisions

Approval of Staveley Town Deal projects

22/02/2022 - Approval of Staveley Town Deal projects



1.    That the role the council is taking as the lead for three of the Staveley Town Deal projects be approved.


2.    That the Construction Skills Hub project, accepting the Towns Fund grant and giving authority to move to delivery, be approved.


3.    That the Service Director for Economic Growth, in consultation with the Deputy Leader, be granted delegated authority to finalise lease arrangements with the landowner for the site upon which the Construction Skills Hub is to be situated.


4.    That commencing procurement for a delivery partner for the Construction Skills Hub be approved.


5.    That the Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle and Staveley 21 projects, subject to the full business cases for each being approved through the Staveley Town Deal governance, be approved.


6.    That further reports be submitted to Cabinet on the Derbyshire Rail Industry Innovation Vehicle and Staveley 21 projects prior to delivery commencing.


7.    That all three projects be included within the Capital Programme to be approved by Full Council.




To ensure that Cabinet has clarity regarding the project sponsorship role that the council will undertake and is able to approve three projects within the Staveley Town Deal and enable delivery of each to commence.