Issue - decisions

Organisational Development Programme

26/04/2022 - Organisational Development Programme



1.    That the Organisational Development Programme, as set out in Appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved.


2.    That the proposed design principles and governance arrangements, as set out in paragraphs 4.5 to 4.17 of the officer’s report, be approved so that appropriate oversight and management of the Organisational Development Programme can be achieved.


3.    That the projects forecast to deliver financial benefits from 2022/23 to 2025/26, as detailed in Appendix B of the officer’s report, be noted and the use of an additional £140k of capital receipts to support delivery be approved; in line with the funding decision made by Full Council when approving the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) that capital receipts flexibility be used for this purpose.


4.    That the use of up to £200k from the Service Redesign Reserve to support initial work to develop service improvements and reshape the Finance Service, and Property and Technical Services be approved, with detailed business cases being developed for approval that will embed long term improvements; this is in line with the funding decision made by Full Council when approving the MTFP that the Service Design Reserve be used for this purpose.


5.    That the Service Director for Digital, HR and Customer Services, in consultation with the Council’s Section 151 officer and the Cabinet Member for Business Transformation and Customers, be granted delegated authority to approve the use of and draw down of funding of up to £50k per project through the use of Capital Receipts Flexibility or from the Service Redesign Reserve, where additional funding would be required to pump prime approved business cases; this is in line with the funding decision made by Full Council when approving the MTFP that capital receipts flexibility and / or the Service Design Reserve be used for this purpose.




To ensure that the Organisational Development Programme is approved with clearly understood design principles and governance arrangements, so that the change activities which are undertaken by the Council support the successful achievement of the Council Plan and MTFP and deliver against the seven outcomes set out in the Council’s Organisational Development Strategy.