Issue - decisions

Antisocial Behaviour Policy

17/05/2022 - Antisocial Behaviour Policy



1.    That the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy be approved for public consultation.


2.    That a report be brought to Cabinet with a final draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy following the completion of the public consultation by September 2022.




1.    It is essential for the Council to have a modern and relevant Anti-social behaviour strategy that reflects recent developments in anti-social behaviour (ASB) characteristics, legislation and national and local priorities. This will enable the Council to strategically plan and prioritise resources across the Borough and to work appropriately with stakeholders to maximise effectiveness.


2.    The effective management of ASB related issues will support the Councils wider ambitions regarding making Chesterfield a thriving borough by actively contributing to making Chesterfield a great place to live, work and visit.