Forthcoming Decisions

Forthcoming Decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Housing Improvement Plan07/11/2024For Determination21/01/2025
Investment zone update07/11/2024For Determination26/02/2025
External Auditor’s Annual Report and Completion Statement for 2022/2307/11/2024For Determination11/12/2024
Customer services and support services reshape13/12/2023For Determination21/01/2025
HR and payroll reshape13/12/2023For Determination21/01/2025
Sale of CBC Land/Property03/04/2014For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2025
Purchase of Property under Strategic Acquisitions and Right of First Refusal Policy02/11/2015For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2025
Lease of Commercial and Industrial Properties15/08/2014For DeterminationNot before 01/01/2025