ePetition details

Object to Planning applications at Peak Resort - CHE/19/000394/REM AND CHE/19/000456/REM1

We the undersigned petition the Chesterfield Borough Council to REJECT THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS AS ABOVE

This petition is intended to help the council come to the correct decision and reject the planning applications as above.

The applications are a total 180 degree turnaround from the previous planned project and will result in noise, disturbance and pollution to the local area. We were expecting tranquillity, peace and relaxation.

The project will see the homes and feeding areas of many red listed birds destroyed or disturbed beyond use.
These species include
Peregrine Falcon
Barn Owl
Mistle Thrush
Grey Partridge

This is surely at odds with the council's climate emergency declaration.

The council did not give ample time or notify enough residents or interested parties as to the application.
The council seems biased in promoting the scheme with little or no detail on their web or facebook site of how one can object.

The scheme appears to have been tried to slip under the radar with the original dates for objection expiring before our local parish council could meet.

The drawings on the plans are misleading and these issues have been raised with planning officers. This has created friction within the community who have wrongly been misled that a track over my property is a bridle way.

The proposed development is at odds with original permission that would have seen people holidaying in peace and tranquillity - staying for up to a week at a time.

The new plan will bring in floods of people for a day or half a day putting strain on the road system.

As a local landowner my land value would soar if this project was to be approved but I have no interest in this and believe the whole scheme to be inappropriate for the area.

We have places for concerts - CFC
We have gyms
We have Cinemas
We have shops and cafes

Stop ripping up the countryside and utilise some of the derelict areas that we hear so much about in the town.

I urge you all to sign.

The petition cannot be handled under the Council's Petition Scheme as it is objecting to a planning application. It will go to the Council's Planning Committee as a representation on the application.

Started by: James Allsop

On reaching 1 signatures An officer will investigate the matter further

This ePetition ran from 02/09/2019 to 03/10/2019 and has now finished.

564 people signed this ePetition.