Decision details

Transform visitor information service to digital delivery and review the use of visitor information centre

Decision Maker: Joint Cabinet and Employment & General Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy presented a report setting out proposals for the Council to move to a more digitally enabled visitor information service as opposed to continuing to operate a visitor information centre (VIC). The Cabinet Member also promoted the idea of re-purposing the VIC to enable the development of a new crooked spire experience, in line with the priority action set out in the council’s Visitor Economy Strategy.


A detailed review of the services that the Council provides from the VIC had been carried out in January/ February 2022. The review had assessed the range of services provided and the amount of time that staff spent delivering the services. 


There had been a significant decline in demand for face-to-face visitor information services in recent years and the afore mentioned review had identified that most of those visiting the VIC were not by visitors to Chesterfield. All of the services provided at the VIC, whether Council services or services provided for third parties, could be provided elsewhere through alternative face-to-face, telephone and online channels.


There was also recognition of the potential tourism value to Chesterfield of developing an experience around the borough’s most valued asset, the Crooked Spire.


The Council had launched its’ ‘budget conversation’ with the borough’s residents, businesses and other stakeholders on15 December 2023. 70 respondents had expressed views on the Council’s proposal to close the VIC and move to a more digitally enabled visitor information service. These were detailed in Appendix F of the Cabinet Member’s report.


It was reported that in 2022/23 the cost of operating the VIC stood at £155,092. Following agreement to reduce the VIC’s opening hours from 1 April 2023, the operating cost had reduced to £109,660 in 2023/24. The VIC’s closure would result in further savings of £43,176 in 2024/25.




1.   That the Visitor Information Centre (VIC) be closed and the planned re-shape of the Visitor Information Service to be more digitally focussed be approved.


2.   That the delivery of other council services, which have traditionally been provided at the VIC, be transferred to appropriate services across the Council, as set out in Appendix A of the officer’s report.


3.   That it be noted that the closure of the VIC will lead to implications for employees and that they will be supported by Human Resources (HR) and trade union colleagues, in line with the Council’s HR policies and procedures.


4.   That the proposal to re-purpose the VIC building at Rykneld  Square, to support the development of the crooked spire experience, in line with the priority objective set out within the Council’s visitor economy strategy, be supported in principle.


5.   That authority be delegated to the Service Director for Leisure, Culture and Community Wellbeing in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Town Centres and Visitor Economy to develop heads of terms and in time appropriate lease arrangements to support the development of the crooked spire experience for the benefit of the borough.


6.   That officers be authorised to explore alternative options for the future use of the property, should the development of the crooked spire experience not proceed.




To support the council and stakeholders in the delivery of key priorities within the visitor economy strategy and ensure that the council continues to deliver services that provide value for money to Chesterfield borough communities.



Reason Key: Decision to propose the closure of or reduction by 10% or more of a Council facility or service;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Ian Waller, Service Director - Leisure, Culture and Community Wellbeing Email:

Report author: Ian Waller

Publication date: 05/02/2024

Date of decision: 05/02/2024

Decided at meeting: 05/02/2024 - Joint Cabinet and Employment & General Committee

Accompanying Documents: