Agenda item

Dog Law and Stray Dog Policy




1.   That the new kennelling arrangements and proposed fees be approved.


2.   That the Dog Law and Stray Dog Policy, as attached at Appendix 1 to the officer’s report, be approved.


3.   That delegated authority be granted to the Senior Environmental Health Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, to approve minor amendments to the Dog Law and Stray Dog Policy, in response to changes in legislation or national guidance, or for minor editorial amendments.




To ensure the Council is compliant with current legislation and that a kennelling facility is provided for taking in stray dogs.


The Senior Environmental Health Officer submitted a report recommending for approval the Dog Law and Stray Dog Policy, as well as proposed fees and charges for revised kennelling arrangements.


Information on the proposed fees and charges for the new kennelling arrangements was provided within Section 8 of the officer’s report.


The ‘Dog Law and Stray Dog Policy’ was attached at Appendix 1 to the officer’s report.




1.   That the new kennelling arrangements and proposed fees be approved.


2.   That the Dog Law and Stray Dog Policy, as attached at Appendix 1 to the officer’s report, be approved.


3.   That delegated authority be granted to the Senior Environmental Health Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, to approve minor amendments to the Dog Law and Stray Dog Policy, in response to changes in legislation or national guidance, or for minor editorial amendments.




To ensure the Council is compliant with current legislation and that a kennelling facility is provided for taking in stray dogs.