Agenda item

Mayor's Communications


The Mayor referred with sadness to the recent deaths of two serving officers, Colin Howe, Site and Project Manager (Mechanical and Electrical Systems), and Bill Taylor, ICT Service Desk Analyst, and of former Councillors Alison Galloway and Barbra Butt. Members stood for a minute’s silence in their honour.


The Mayor thanked Members for their support for the Mayor’s Appeal at the December meeting which had raised £185.


The Mayor referred to the numerous festive events which he and the Mayoress had attended across the borough and also to the following Mayoral engagements:


·        Presenting the Council’s Careline team with their accreditation from the Technology Enabled Care Services Association;


·        An event on Holocaust Memorial Day, where the speaker was Mr Dieudonne Ganza Gahizi, the founder/director of Healing Plan, a charity supporting victims/survivors of rape during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda;


The Mayor expressed the Council’s thanks to Mr James Drury, the Council’s Executive Director, for his hard work, dedication and commitment to the Council and the people of Chesterfield over the previous four years following his recent appointment as Strategic Director for Commercial Services at Lincolnshire County Council.


He also thanked those Members who would be retiring in May for their service and commitment to Chesterfield.


The Mayor reminded Members that he and the Mayoress would be hosting a Gala Dinner at the Proact Stadium on 5 April, 2019.