Agenda item

Mayor's Communications


The Mayor informed Council of the following events which he and the Mayoress had attended:


·        The Annual Mayor’s Cup competition held at Chesterfield Bowls Club where the Mayor presented the winners with the Mayor’s Cup. The Mayor had expressed his thanks to the Club for raising £350 towards the Mayor’s Appeal.


·        Chatsworth Country Fair. The Mayor had particularly enjoyed watching the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery. Over lunch the Mayor had also spoken with Lord and Lady Burlington and with Alan Titchmarsh.  


·        The Chesterfield in Bloom awards where the Mayor had the pleasure of presenting awards to participating school children, residents and businesses. The Mayor also expressed his delight at the news that Chesterfield had received the awards for ‘Best Small City’ and ‘Least Littered Community’ in this year’s East Midlands in Bloom awards.


·        The High Sheriff’s Legal Service at Derby Cathedral where the work of this year’s High Sheriff, Theresa Peltier had been recognised and celebrated.  


The Mayor and Mayoress had welcomed Honor Graham into the Mayor’s Parlour to celebrate her 100th Birthday. Mrs Graham’s family had travelled from New Zealand to join her for her special celebration.


The Mayor’s Chaplain, Stephen Wright, had hosted a Cheese and Wine event in August, which had raised £1,146 for the Mayor’s chosen charities, ‘Chesterfield Football Club Community Trust’ and ‘The Royal Hospital Charity’.


Finally, the Mayor invited Members to join him and the Mayoress for the annual Remembrance Service on Sunday 12 November, where the borough’s residents would come together to honour those who lost their lives.